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[display] clean up TAnon display field handling
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see #11515
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Simn committed Jan 29, 2024
1 parent bf329ea commit 8b4b285
Showing 1 changed file with 40 additions and 43 deletions.
83 changes: 40 additions & 43 deletions src/context/display/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -250,54 +250,51 @@ let collect ctx e_ast e dk with_type p =
| _ -> items
(* Anon own fields *)
let fields = match !(an.a_status) with
| ClassStatics c -> c.cl_statics
| _ -> an.a_fields
let iter_fields origin fields f_allow f_make =
let items = PMap.fold (fun cf acc ->
if is_new_item acc cf.cf_name && f_allow cf then begin
let ct = CompletionType.from_type (get_import_status ctx) ~values:(get_value_meta cf.cf_meta) cf.cf_type in
PMap.add cf.cf_name (f_make (CompletionClassField.make cf CFSMember origin true) (cf.cf_type,ct)) acc
end else
) fields items in
PMap.foldi (fun name cf acc ->
if is_new_item acc name then begin
let allow_static_abstract_access c cf =
begin match !(an.a_status) with
| ClassStatics ({cl_kind = KAbstractImpl a} as c) ->
Display.merge_core_doc ctx (TClassDecl c);
let f_allow cf =
should_access c cf false &&
(not (has_class_field_flag cf CfImpl) || has_class_field_flag cf CfEnum)
let ct = CompletionType.from_type (get_import_status ctx) ~values:(get_value_meta cf.cf_meta) cf.cf_type in
let add origin make_field =
PMap.add name (make_field (CompletionClassField.make cf CFSMember origin true) (cf.cf_type,ct)) acc
let f_make ccf =
if has_class_field_flag ccf.CompletionClassField.field CfEnum then
make_ci_enum_abstract_field a ccf
make_ci_class_field ccf
match !(an.a_status) with
| ClassStatics ({cl_kind = KAbstractImpl a} as c) ->
if allow_static_abstract_access c cf then
let make = if has_class_field_flag cf CfEnum then
(make_ci_enum_abstract_field a)
add (Self (TAbstractDecl a)) make
| ClassStatics c ->
Display.merge_core_doc ctx (TClassDecl c);
if should_access c cf true then add (Self (TClassDecl c)) make_ci_class_field else acc;
| EnumStatics en ->
let ef = PMap.find name en.e_constrs in
PMap.add name (make_ci_enum_field (CompletionEnumField.make ef (Self (TEnumDecl en)) true) (cf.cf_type,ct)) acc
| AbstractStatics a ->
Display.merge_core_doc ctx (TAbstractDecl a);
let check = match a.a_impl with
| None -> true
| Some c -> allow_static_abstract_access c cf
if check then add (Self (TAbstractDecl a)) make_ci_class_field else acc;
| _ ->
let origin = match t with
| TType(td,_) -> Self (TTypeDecl td)
| _ -> AnonymousStructure an
add origin make_ci_class_field;
end else
) fields items
iter_fields (Self (TClassDecl c)) c.cl_statics f_allow f_make
| ClassStatics c ->
Display.merge_core_doc ctx (TClassDecl c);
let f_allow cf = should_access c cf true in
iter_fields (Self (TClassDecl c)) c.cl_statics f_allow make_ci_class_field
| AbstractStatics ({a_impl = Some c} as a) ->
Display.merge_core_doc ctx (TAbstractDecl a);
let f_allow cf = should_access c cf true in
iter_fields (Self (TAbstractDecl a)) c.cl_statics f_allow make_ci_class_field
| EnumStatics en ->
PMap.fold (fun ef acc ->
let ct = CompletionType.from_type (get_import_status ctx) ~values:(get_value_meta ef.ef_meta) ef.ef_type in
let cef = CompletionEnumField.make ef (Self (TEnumDecl en)) true in
PMap.add ef.ef_name (make_ci_enum_field cef (ef.ef_type,ct)) acc
) en.e_constrs items
| _ ->
let origin = match t with
| TType(td,_) -> Self (TTypeDecl td)
| _ -> AnonymousStructure an
iter_fields origin an.a_fields (fun _ -> true) make_ci_class_field
| TFun (args,ret) ->
(* A function has no field except the magic .bind one. *)
if is_new_item items "bind" then begin
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