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[hl] add element type to HArray
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Simn committed Jul 26, 2024
1 parent b537e99 commit 176c96c
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Showing 4 changed files with 58 additions and 39 deletions.
38 changes: 20 additions & 18 deletions src/generators/
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Expand Up @@ -470,7 +470,7 @@ let rec to_type ?tref ctx t =
| ["hl"], "UI16" -> HUI16
| ["hl"], "UI8" -> HUI8
| ["hl"], "I64" -> HI64
| ["hl"], "NativeArray" -> HArray
| ["hl"], "NativeArray" -> HArray (to_type ctx (List.hd pl))
| ["haxe";"macro"], "Position" -> HAbstract ("macro_pos", alloc_string ctx "macro_pos")
| _ -> failwith ("Unknown core type " ^ s_type_path a.a_path))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1462,7 +1462,7 @@ and array_read ctx ra (at,vt) ridx p =
let jend = jump ctx (fun i -> OJAlways i) in
let tmp = alloc_tmp ctx HDyn in
let harr = alloc_tmp ctx HArray in
let harr = alloc_tmp ctx (HArray vt) in
op ctx (OField (harr,ra,1));
op ctx (OGetArray (tmp,harr,ridx));
op ctx (OMov (r,unsafe_cast_to ctx tmp vt p));
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2004,23 +2004,25 @@ and eval_expr ctx e =
let arr = eval_expr ctx e in
op ctx (ONullCheck arr);
op ctx (OArraySize (r, arr))
| TAbstract ({ a_path = ["hl"],"NativeArray" },[t]) ->
op ctx (OArraySize (r, eval_to ctx e (HArray (to_type ctx t))))
| _ ->
op ctx (OArraySize (r, eval_to ctx e HArray)));
| "$aalloc", [esize] ->
let et = (match follow e.etype with TAbstract ({ a_path = ["hl"],"NativeArray" },[t]) -> to_type ctx t | _ -> invalid()) in
let size = eval_to ctx esize HI32 in
let a = alloc_tmp ctx HArray in
let a = alloc_tmp ctx (HArray et) in
let rt = alloc_tmp ctx HType in
op ctx (OType (rt,et));
op ctx (OCall2 (a,alloc_std ctx "alloc_array" [HType;HI32] HArray,rt,size));
op ctx (OCall2 (a,alloc_std ctx "alloc_array" [HType;HI32] (HArray et),rt,size));
| "$aget", [a; pos] ->
read/write on arrays are unsafe : the type of NativeArray needs to be correcly set.
let at = (match follow a.etype with TAbstract ({ a_path = ["hl"],"NativeArray" },[t]) -> to_type ctx t | _ -> invalid()) in
let arr = eval_to ctx a HArray in
let arr = eval_to ctx a (HArray at) in
hold ctx arr;
let pos = eval_to ctx pos HI32 in
free ctx arr;
Expand All @@ -2029,7 +2031,7 @@ and eval_expr ctx e =
cast_to ctx r (to_type ctx e.etype) e.epos
| "$aset", [a; pos; value] ->
let et = (match follow a.etype with TAbstract ({ a_path = ["hl"],"NativeArray" },[t]) -> to_type ctx t | _ -> invalid()) in
let arr = eval_to ctx a HArray in
let arr = eval_to ctx a (HArray et) in
hold ctx arr;
let pos = eval_to ctx pos HI32 in
hold ctx pos;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2106,12 +2108,12 @@ and eval_expr ctx e =
| "$resources", [] ->
let tdef = (try List.find (fun t -> (t_infos t).mt_path = (["haxe";"_Resource"],"ResourceContent")) with Not_found -> die "" __LOC__) in
let t = class_type ctx (match tdef with TClassDecl c -> c | _ -> die "" __LOC__) [] false in
let arr = alloc_tmp ctx HArray in
let arr = alloc_tmp ctx (HArray HBytes) in
let rt = alloc_tmp ctx HType in
op ctx (OType (rt,t));
let res = Hashtbl.fold (fun k v acc -> (k,v) :: acc) [] in
let size = reg_int ctx (List.length res) in
op ctx (OCall2 (arr,alloc_std ctx "alloc_array" [HType;HI32] HArray,rt,size));
op ctx (OCall2 (arr,alloc_std ctx "alloc_array" [HType;HI32] (HArray HBytes),rt,size));
let ro = alloc_tmp ctx t in
let rb = alloc_tmp ctx HBytes in
let ridx = reg_int ctx 0 in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2555,7 +2557,7 @@ and eval_expr ctx e =
op ctx (OField (b,ra,1));
write_mem ctx b (shl ctx ridx (type_size_bits at)) at v
| _ ->
let arr = alloc_tmp ctx HArray in
let arr = alloc_tmp ctx (HArray vt) in
op ctx (OField (arr,ra,1));
op ctx (OSetArray (arr,ridx,cast_to ctx v (if is_dynamic at then at else HDyn) e.epos))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2828,11 +2830,11 @@ and eval_expr ctx e =
array_bytes 3 HF64 "F64" (fun b i r -> OSetMem (b,i,r))
| _ ->
let at = if is_dynamic et then et else HDyn in
let a = alloc_tmp ctx HArray in
let a = alloc_tmp ctx (HArray at) in
let rt = alloc_tmp ctx HType in
op ctx (OType (rt,at));
let size = reg_int ctx (List.length el) in
op ctx (OCall2 (a,alloc_std ctx "alloc_array" [HType;HI32] HArray,rt,size));
op ctx (OCall2 (a,alloc_std ctx "alloc_array" [HType;HI32] (HArray at),rt,size));
hold ctx a;
list_iteri (fun i e ->
let r = eval_to ctx e at in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3119,7 +3121,7 @@ and gen_assign_op ctx acc e1 f =
let r = f r in
op ctx (OSetEnumField (ctx.m.mcaptreg,idx,r));
| AArray (ra,(at,_),ridx) ->
| AArray (ra,(at,vt),ridx) ->
hold ctx ra;
hold ctx ridx;
let r = (match at with
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3153,7 +3155,7 @@ and gen_assign_op ctx acc e1 f =
free ctx hbytes;
| _ ->
let arr = alloc_tmp ctx HArray in
let arr = alloc_tmp ctx (HArray vt) in
op ctx (OField (arr,ra,1));
let r = alloc_tmp ctx at in
op ctx (OGetArray (r,arr,ridx));
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3655,10 +3657,10 @@ let generate_static_init ctx types main =
if (has_class_flag c CInterface) then begin
let l = gather_implements() in
let ra = alloc_tmp ctx HArray in
let ra = alloc_tmp ctx (HArray HType) in
let rt = alloc_tmp ctx HType in
op ctx (OType (rt, HType));
op ctx (OCall2 (ra, alloc_std ctx "alloc_array" [HType;HI32] HArray, rt, reg_int ctx (List.length l)));
op ctx (OCall2 (ra, alloc_std ctx "alloc_array" [HType;HI32] (HArray HType), rt, reg_int ctx (List.length l)));
list_iteri (fun i intf ->
op ctx (OType (rt, to_type ctx (TInst (intf,[]))));
op ctx (OSetArray (ra, reg_int ctx i, rt));
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3701,7 +3703,7 @@ let generate_static_init ctx types main =
die "" __LOC__

let avalues = alloc_tmp ctx HArray in
let avalues = alloc_tmp ctx (HArray t) in
op ctx (OField (avalues, r, index "__evalues__"));

List.iter (fun n ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3989,7 +3991,7 @@ let write_code ch code debug =
Array.iter (fun (_,n,t) -> write_index n; write_type t) p.pfields;
Array.iter (fun f -> write_index f.fid; write_index f.fmethod; write_index (match f.fvirtual with None -> -1 | Some i -> i)) p.pproto;
List.iter (fun (fid,fidx) -> write_index fid; write_index fidx) p.pbindings;
| HArray ->
| HArray _ ->
byte 12
| HType ->
byte 13
Expand Down
16 changes: 8 additions & 8 deletions src/generators/
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Expand Up @@ -117,15 +117,15 @@ let s_comp = function
let core_types =
let vp = { vfields = [||]; vindex = PMap.empty } in
let ep = { ename = ""; eid = 0; eglobal = None; efields = [||] } in
[HVoid;HUI8;HUI16;HI32;HI64;HF32;HF64;HBool;HBytes;HDyn;HFun ([],HVoid);HObj null_proto;HArray;HType;HRef HVoid;HVirtual vp;HDynObj;HAbstract ("",0);HEnum ep;HNull HVoid;HMethod ([],HVoid);HStruct null_proto]
[HVoid;HUI8;HUI16;HI32;HI64;HF32;HF64;HBool;HBytes;HDyn;HFun ([],HVoid);HObj null_proto;HArray HDyn;HType;HRef HVoid;HVirtual vp;HDynObj;HAbstract ("",0);HEnum ep;HNull HVoid;HMethod ([],HVoid);HStruct null_proto]

let tname str =
let n = String.concat "__" (ExtString.String.nsplit str ".") in
ident n

let is_gc_ptr = function
| HVoid | HUI8 | HUI16 | HI32 | HI64 | HF32 | HF64 | HBool | HType | HRef _ | HMethod _ | HPacked _ -> false
| HBytes | HDyn | HFun _ | HObj _ | HArray | HVirtual _ | HDynObj | HAbstract _ | HEnum _ | HNull _ | HStruct _ -> true
| HBytes | HDyn | HFun _ | HObj _ | HArray _ | HVirtual _ | HDynObj | HAbstract _ | HEnum _ | HNull _ | HStruct _ -> true

let is_ptr = function
| HVoid | HUI8 | HUI16 | HI32 | HI64 | HF32 | HF64 | HBool -> false
Expand All @@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ let rec ctype_no_ptr = function
| HDyn -> "vdynamic",1
| HFun _ -> "vclosure",1
| HObj p | HStruct p -> tname p.pname,0
| HArray -> "varray",1
| HArray _ -> "varray",1
| HType -> "hl_type",1
| HRef t -> let s,i = ctype_no_ptr t in s,i + 1
| HVirtual _ -> "vvirtual",1
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ let type_id t =
| HDyn -> "HDYN"
| HFun _ -> "HFUN"
| HObj _ -> "HOBJ"
| HArray -> "HARRAY"
| HArray _ -> "HARRAY"
| HType -> "HTYPE"
| HRef _ -> "HREF"
| HVirtual _ -> "HVIRTUAL"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ let define ctx s =

let rec define_type ctx t =
match t with
| HVoid | HUI8 | HUI16 | HI32 | HI64 | HF32 | HF64 | HBool | HBytes | HDyn | HArray | HType | HDynObj | HNull _ | HRef _ -> ()
| HVoid | HUI8 | HUI16 | HI32 | HI64 | HF32 | HF64 | HBool | HBytes | HDyn | HArray _ | HType | HDynObj | HNull _ | HRef _ -> ()
| HAbstract _ ->
define ctx "#include <hl/natives.h>";
| HFun (args,ret) | HMethod (args,ret) ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -744,7 +744,7 @@ let generate_function ctx f =
match rtype a, rtype b with
| (HUI8 | HUI16 | HI32 | HF32 | HF64 | HBool | HI64), (HUI8 | HUI16 | HI32 | HF32 | HF64 | HBool | HI64) ->
| HBytes, HBytes | HArray,HArray ->
| HBytes, HBytes | HArray _,HArray _ ->
| HType, HType ->
sexpr "if( hl_same_type(%s,%s) %s 0 ) {} else goto %s" (reg a) (reg b) (s_comp op) (label d)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1095,7 +1095,7 @@ let generate_function ctx f =
sexpr "hl_assert()"
| ORefData (r,d) ->
(match rtype d with
| HArray ->
| HArray _ ->
sexpr "%s = (%s)hl_aptr(%s,void*)" (reg r) (ctype (rtype r)) (reg d)
| _ ->
Globals.die "" __LOC__)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1138,7 +1138,7 @@ let make_types_idents htypes =
let types_descs = ref PMap.empty in
let rec make_desc t =
match t with
| HVoid | HUI8 | HUI16 | HI32 | HI64 | HF32 | HF64 | HBool | HBytes | HDyn | HArray | HType | HRef _ | HDynObj | HNull _ ->
| HVoid | HUI8 | HUI16 | HI32 | HI64 | HF32 | HF64 | HBool | HBytes | HDyn | HArray _ | HType | HRef _ | HDynObj | HNull _ ->
DSimple t
| HFun (tl,t) ->
DFun ( make_desc tl, make_desc t, true)
Expand Down
23 changes: 18 additions & 5 deletions src/generators/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ type ttype =
| HDyn
| HFun of ttype list * ttype
| HObj of class_proto
| HArray
| HArray of ttype
| HType
| HRef of ttype
| HVirtual of virtual_proto
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ let list_mapi f l =
let is_nullable t =
match t with
| HBytes | HDyn | HFun _ | HObj _ | HArray | HVirtual _ | HDynObj | HAbstract _ | HEnum _ | HNull _ | HRef _ | HType | HMethod _ | HStruct _ -> true
| HBytes | HDyn | HFun _ | HObj _ | HArray _ | HVirtual _ | HDynObj | HAbstract _ | HEnum _ | HNull _ | HRef _ | HType | HMethod _ | HStruct _ -> true
| HUI8 | HUI16 | HI32 | HI64 | HF32 | HF64 | HBool | HVoid | HPacked _ -> false

let is_struct = function
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ let is_nullt = function
let is_dynamic t =
match t with
| HDyn | HFun _ | HObj _ | HArray | HVirtual _ | HDynObj | HNull _ | HEnum _ -> true
| HDyn | HFun _ | HObj _ | HArray _ | HVirtual _ | HDynObj | HNull _ | HEnum _ -> true
| _ -> false

let rec tsame t1 t2 =
Expand All @@ -314,6 +314,17 @@ let rec tsame t1 t2 =
| HRef t1, HRef t2 -> tsame t1 t2
| _ -> false

let compatible_element_types t1 t2 =
if t1 == t2 then
true (* equal types are always compatible *)
else match t1,t2 with
| (HI32 | HF32),(HI32 | HF32)
| (HI64 | HF64),(HI64 | HF64) ->
true (* same size numbers are also compatible *)
| _ ->
(* no other number combinations are compatible, but everything else is *)
not (is_number t1) && not (is_number t2)

can we use a value of t1 as t2
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -345,6 +356,8 @@ let rec safe_cast t1 t2 =
safe_cast t1 t2
| HFun (args1,t1), HFun (args2,t2) when List.length args1 = List.length args2 ->
List.for_all2 (fun t1 t2 -> safe_cast t2 t1 || (t1 = HDyn && is_dynamic t2)) args1 args2 && safe_cast t1 t2
| HArray t1,HArray t2 ->
compatible_element_types t1 t2
| _ ->
tsame t1 t2

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -456,8 +469,8 @@ let rec tstr ?(stack=[]) ?(detailed=false) t =
let proto = "{" ^ String.concat "," ( (fun p -> (match p.fvirtual with None -> "" | Some _ -> "virtual ") ^ p.fname ^ "@" ^ string_of_int p.fmethod) (Array.to_list o.pproto)) ^ "}" in
let str = o.pname ^ "[" ^ (match o.psuper with None -> "" | Some p -> ">" ^ p.pname ^ " ") ^ "fields=" ^ fields ^ " proto=" ^ proto ^ "]" in
(match t with HObj o -> str | _ -> "@" ^ str)
| HArray ->
| HArray t ->
"array(" ^ (tstr ~stack ~detailed t) ^ ")"
| HType ->
| HRef t ->
Expand Down
20 changes: 12 additions & 8 deletions src/generators/
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Expand Up @@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ let get_type = function
| VObj o -> Some (HObj o.oproto.pclass)
| VDynObj _ -> Some HDynObj
| VVirtual v -> Some (HVirtual v.vtype)
| VArray _ -> Some HArray
| VArray (_,t) -> Some (HArray t)
| VClosure (f,None) -> Some (match f with FFun f -> f.ftype | FNativeFun (_,_,t) -> t)
| VClosure (f,Some _) -> Some (match f with FFun { ftype = HFun(_::args,ret) } | FNativeFun (_,_,HFun(_::args,ret)) -> HFun (args,ret) | _ -> Globals.die "" __LOC__)
| VVarArgs _ -> Some (HFun ([],HDyn))
Expand All @@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ let rec is_compatible v t =
| v, HNull t -> is_compatible v t
| v, HDyn -> v_dynamic v
| VType _, HType -> true
| VArray _, HArray -> true
| VArray _, HArray _ -> true
| VDynObj _, HDynObj -> true
| VVirtual v, HVirtual _ -> safe_cast (HVirtual v.vtype) t
| VRef (_,t1), HRef t2 -> tsame t1 t2
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -526,7 +526,7 @@ and dyn_call ctx v args tret =
| VVarArgs (f,a) ->
let arr = VArray (Array.of_list ( (fun (v,t) -> make_dyn v t) args),HDyn) in
dyn_call ctx (VClosure (f,a)) [arr,HArray] tret
dyn_call ctx (VClosure (f,a)) [arr,HArray HDyn] tret
| _ ->
throw_msg ctx (vstr_d ctx v ^ " cannot be called")

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1073,7 +1073,7 @@ let interp ctx f args =
| HDyn -> 9
| HFun _ -> 10
| HObj _ -> 11
| HArray -> 12
| HArray _ -> 12
| HType -> 13
| HRef _ -> 14
| HVirtual _ -> 15
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2424,7 +2424,7 @@ let check comerror code =
| ORethrow r ->
reg r HDyn
| OGetArray (v,a,i) ->
(match rtype a with HAbstract ("hl_carray",_) -> () | _ -> reg a HArray);
(match rtype a with HAbstract ("hl_carray",_) | HArray _ -> () | _ -> reg a (HArray HDyn));
reg i HI32;
ignore(rtype v);
| OGetUI8 (r,b,p) | OGetUI16(r,b,p) ->
Expand All @@ -2444,7 +2444,7 @@ let check comerror code =
reg p HI32;
(match rtype v with HI32 | HI64 | HF32 | HF64 -> () | _ -> error (reg_inf r ^ " should be numeric"));
| OSetArray (a,i,v) ->
(match rtype a with HAbstract ("hl_carray",_) -> () | _ -> reg a HArray);
(match rtype a with HAbstract ("hl_carray",_) | HArray _ -> () | _ -> reg a (HArray HDyn));
reg i HI32;
ignore(rtype v);
| OUnsafeCast (a,b) | OSafeCast (a,b) ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2523,8 +2523,12 @@ let check comerror code =
| OAssert _ ->
| ORefData (r,d) ->
reg d HArray;
(match rtype r with HRef _ -> () | _ -> reg r (HRef HDyn))
(match rtype r with
| HRef t ->
reg d (HArray t);
| _ ->
reg d (HArray HDyn);
reg r (HRef HDyn))
| ORefOffset (r,r2,off) ->
(match rtype r2 with HRef _ -> () | _ -> reg r2 (HRef HDyn));
reg r (rtype r2);
Expand Down

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