An example project of pagination with offline capability using firebase in android application, written in java
Firebase core / realtime database dependency are not listed here, please include the core and db dependency before using below libraries.
implementation 'com.firebaseui:firebase-ui-database:8.0.2'
implementation 'androidx.paging:paging-runtime:3.3.2'
Firebase related variables :-
FirebaseDatabase database = FirebaseDatabase.getInstance();
DatabaseReference myRef = database.getReference("dummy");
Paging related variables :-
PagingConfig config = new PagingConfig(
10, // Item Load Limits
2, // Prefetch items limit before next load/scroll
false // Placeholders (Please refer official doc for more info)
//Initialize Firebase Paging Options
DatabasePagingOptions<ResponseModel> options = new DatabasePagingOptions.Builder<ResponseModel>() // ResponseModel = Model class of your response data
.setLifecycleOwner(this) //this = Context
.setQuery(myRef, config, ResponseModel.class) //myRef = DatabaseReference
Adapter for RecyclerView
//ResponseModel = Model class
//ViewHolder = ViewHolder class explicitly written by you
//options = DatabasePagingOptions<>()
FirebaseRecyclerPagingAdapter<ResponseModel, ViewHolder> mAdapter = new FirebaseRecyclerPagingAdapter<ResponseModel, ViewHolder>(options) {
public ViewHolder onCreateViewHolder (@NonNull ViewGroup parent,int viewType){
protected void onBindViewHolder (@NonNull ViewHolder holder,int position,@NonNull ResponseModel model){
recyclerView.setAdapter(mAdapter); //setting adapter to RecyclerView
Listening to the scroll and states
mAdapter.addLoadStateListener(states -> {
LoadState refresh = states.getRefresh();
LoadState append = states.getAppend();
if (refresh instanceof LoadState.Error || append instanceof LoadState.Error) {
// There might be some error
// Request to database error
// OR
// No Network Available
if (append instanceof LoadState.Loading) {
//Next Items Loading....
if (append instanceof LoadState.NotLoading) {
LoadState.NotLoading notLoading = (LoadState.NotLoading) append;
if (notLoading.getEndOfPaginationReached()) {
// This indicates that the user has scrolled
// until the end of the data set.
return null;
if (refresh instanceof LoadState.NotLoading) {
// This indicates the most recent load
// has finished.
return null;
return null;
In the example app this code was added in class extending Application
//enable firebase offline capabilities