Project for Natural Language Processing course. Sentiment Analysis of former Enron employees via their emails from the Enron dataset.
Running instructions:
- Install Anaconda version 2 or 3 (which comes with corresponding python version)
- Install the NLTK library (numpy and pandas should come with anaconda, if not then install the same as well).
- Install the textblob package via the following instructions: (i) Open command terminal (ii) Enter the command 'conda install -c conda-forge textblob'
- Downoad the Enron dataset from (more than 1 GB in size) and extract the maildir folder to the directory in which the .ipynb file is saved.
- Change the name of the maildir folder from 'maildir' to 'enron'
- Open the file 'NLP_Project.ipynb' using jupyter notebook and start running each of the cells one by one.
- When asked to input the user name, input one of the 150 users' names from inside the maildir/enron folder.
- Continue running the cells to get the various types of analysis results from the input user's sent mail.