Tinee - a third year university project based around Software Engineering Practices, Refactoring and Redesign
This project involved taking a provided code base and redesigning it. This meant:
- Refactoring code based on design pattern
- Implimenting MVC
- Internationalisation- the generalisation of the Tinee project for use with other languages
- Resolving bugs
- Use of JUnits to preform systimatic tests after changes
- Determining test code coverage (Using JaCoCo)
- Static code analysis (Using FindBugs and EasyPMD) - Used to improve the quality of code and fix possible future issues.
All the code I added or modified was done in Java.
Welcome to Tinee, a simple text-based Ticket System! It allows users to create tickets to log various issues.
It can be run from command line using: C:...\tinee> java -cp build\classes Client userid localhost 8888
Where userid is replaced with your user name. C:...\tinee> represents the location of the files. This can be changed by using "cd " in the console.
It also needs a server to run in command line using: C:...\tinee> java -cp build\classes sep.tinee.server.Server 8888