Releases: Harmless05/harmless-lua
Version 1.0.1
Quick update
- Some debug logs :)
- HS Console log types (info,warn,debug)
- Thermal vision \w default and weapon scope not working
- Updated some of the conditions to use more idiomatic syntax for checking if a variable false.
Refactored variable names, values, and functions to be more consistent and easier to read.
Version 1.0.0
Happy New Year to Everyone! 🎉
I am thrilled to announce that Harmless’s Scripts has been officially released!
This brings new features and enhancements to existing ones. For the time being, I have decided not to include “In Menu” scripts (each feature/script is located in their own respective YimMenu location as was each individual script before). This is because of the extra time required for implementation. However, this is something I plan to add in the future along with customizable hotkeys and save/config file.
New Features Include:
- Thermal and Night Vision - You can now enable Thermal and Night Vision for yourself with customizable settings.
- Quick Options - Provides easy access to some of the more “popular” options for YimMenu.
Additional Features:
- Home Tab - A “dashboard” for Harmless’s Scripts. It displays the current version of Harmless’s Scripts, its repository link, and how to contact me outside of GitHub.
- Settings Tab - Allows you to change basic settings for Harmless’s Scripts, such as:
- Notifications - Enable or disable notifications for Harmless’s Scripts.
- Tooltips - Enable or disable tooltips for Harmless’s Scripts.
- Console logs - Enable or disable console logs for Harmless’s Scripts.
- Experimental Features Tab - Features that are currently under development or testing. (Not all features will be added here, it’s just a place for people to test them out and provide feedback.) These won’t be documented in the changelog.
- Shift Drift - You now have the ability to use GTAV Low Grip Tires with Shift Drift.
Bug Fixes:
- Ragdoll Player - Due to new updates to YimMenu and GTAV, the Ragdoll Player script was broken.
I have many more features in mind for future updates to improve this collection, but for now, I hope you find these new features useful and entertaining.
As always, your feedback is welcomed. Enjoy this update!