Crowd Counter
Crowd Counter is a Python application designed to count people in a video feed, particularly useful for monitoring crowd density in public spaces. Developed using Tkinter for the GUI and OpenCV for computer vision tasks, the application allows users to select a video file (.mp4, .mkv, .avi) and then analyzes it frame by frame.
Background subtraction technique to detect moving objects. Contour detection and tracking to identify individuals. Counting of people moving up and down within defined boundaries. Real-time display of total counts and updates during video playback.
How to Use:
Run the application and click the "Select Video" button to choose a video file. Click the "Count Crowd" button to initiate the analysis process. The application will display the total counts of people moving up and down in the video.
Python 3.x
Pillow (PIL)
Clone the repository to your local machine. Install the required dependencies using pip install -r requirements.txt. Run the application with python
Contributions are welcome! Feel free to fork the repository, make improvements, and submit pull requests.