APIs created to store Twitter Streaming Data and retreive data after applying filters. So it consist of 3 APIs:-
- API to trigger Twitter Stream
- API to filter stored data
- API to export filtered data as CSV
- Python
- Flask
- ElasticSearch
- Tweepy
- clone the project
- cd to project folder
cd TweetExtracter
- create virtual environment
virtualenv venv
and activate itsource venv/bin/activate
- Install requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Change the twitter stream API credentials in configure.py file.
To install and configure follow the given link of where all steps are clearly given:-
Run the python server.py
This API trigger twitter streaming and stores the data by Twitter Streaming API. The Streaming can be done:-,AbkiBarModiSarkar,ModiForPM
Where keywords can be any keyword for which streaming needs to be performed. Successful response
"message": "Started streaming tweets with keywords [u'modi', u'AbkiBarModiSarkar', u'ModiForPM']",
"status": "success"
This API fetches stored data by first API based on filters and search keywords and sort them as required.
Operators: Following operators are available:-
: for exact match or equal for numeric valuecontains
: Facilitates full-text searchwildcard
: *substringendswith
: substring*wildcard
: substring
: '>=' operator for numeric/datetime valuesgt
: '>' operator for numeric/datetime valueslte
: '<=' operator for numeric/datetime valueslt
: '<' operator for numeric/datetime values
Pagination is done by the parameters from
and size
as it is used in ElasticSearch.
AND represents must, OR repesents should and NOT repesents must_not, as matched according to elasticsearch query attributes.
API2 -
"criteria": {
"OR": [
"fields": ["tweet_text"],
"operator": "contains",
"query": "PM"
"count": {
"fetched": 20,
"total": 35
"results": [
"_id": "AWZ34T6urOtk92tX3kg4",
"_index": "tweets_index",
"_score": null,
"_source": {
"country": "",
"country_code": "",
"created_at": "2018-10-15T13:19:01",
"favorite_count": 0,
"hashtags": [],
"is_retweeted": false,
"lang": "en",
"location": "Bangalore",
"reply_count": 0,
"retweet_count": 0,
"screen_name": "NdSolanki",
"source_device": "Twitter for iPhone",
"timestamp_ms": "1539609541073",
"tweet_text": "RT @SmokingSkills_: Who praises Modi?\n\n- World Bank\n- British PM \n- Saudi Arabia\n\nWho makes fun of Modi\n- Pidi comedians\n- The Wire \n- Ser…",
"user_name": "Narendra Solanki"
"_type": "tweet",
"sort": [
API3 -
(Method supported - 'GET', 'POST')
Input should be given in the same format as given in API2. CSV file will be downloaded when puts request on browser. When posted in postman application csv data will be reflected in response body and you can find attachment in header.