Key Features:
Secure User Authentication: The system incorporates a robust login page that ensures only authorized users can access the main web page. Users are required to enter their credentials, which are securely stored in the MySQL database. This ensures data privacy and prevents unauthorized access.
Intuitive Web Interface: Upon successful authentication, users are welcomed to the web main page, which presents an intuitive and user-friendly interface. The main page showcases essential information and control options for the smart camping cabin.
LED Lights Control: The web main page allows users to control the LED lights installed within the camping cabin. Users can effortlessly turn the lights on or off with a simple click, creating the perfect ambiance for their camping experience.
Real-time Temperature and Humidity Readings: The system is equipped with advanced sensors that continuously monitor the temperature and humidity inside the camping cabin. Users can view these real-time readings on the web main page, ensuring they stay informed about the current conditions.
Responsive Design: The web application is designed to be responsive, making it accessible and seamless across various devices such as smartphones, tablets, and laptops. Users can conveniently access the system from any location within the camping vicinity.
Data Logging and Historical Insights: The smart cabin system intelligently stores historical temperature and humidity data in the MySQL database. This allows users to track trends over time and gain valuable insights into the cabin's environment during previous camping sessions.
Low-power Consumption: The IoT-based system is engineered to be energy-efficient, ensuring minimal power consumption and extended operation on battery or solar-powered sources. This enables a sustainable and eco-friendly camping experience.