Recently i stumbled over this YouTube video which shows how to measure your listening room and make an impulse response file with "REW" to use it with Equilizer APO on a PC for real time room correction.
REW (Room EQ Wizard)
Equalizer APO
It worked that great that i wanted the correction also for my TV which is connected to the amp via digital optical cable. The idea was to use a Raspberry Pi with the Hifiberry DIGI+ board to plug it between the TV and the amp and let it run the convolution filter in real time. After trying around a few days i came up with the following solution:
With "Raspberry Pi Manager" i installed Raspberry Pi OS Lite 64 (kernel 5.15.84-v8+) including the WiFi settings on the SD card.
sudo nano /boot/config.txt
add the follwing lines to load the DIGI+ driver:
# load HifiBerry DIGI+
list sound cards:
cat /proc/asound/cards
sudo nano /etc/asound.conf
add the following lines with the number of your card
pcm.hifiberry {
type hw card 1
ctl.hifiberry {
type hw card 1
list alsa devices:
aplay -L
list record devices:
arecord -l
play music:
flac -c -d hello.flac | aplay -D hifiberry
download and unzip source:
rm *.zip
install dependencies:
sudo apt-get install -y libtool libzita-convolver-dev libasound2-plugins libasound2-dev libfftw3-dev
sudo apt-get install -y libsndfile-dev ladspa-sdk libzita-alsa-pcmi0 libzita-alsa-pcmi-dev alsa-tools zita-alsa-pcmi-utils
configure and make:
cd dsp*
sudo make install
test dsp:
dsp hello.flac -o hifiberry highpass 1.8k 0.5
Test convolver (ir44.wav is the impulse response file exported form REW):
dsp hello.flac -o hifiberry -e s24 zita_convolver ir44.wav
Loopback with dsp:
dsp -c 2 -e s16 -r 48000 -t alsa hifiberry -o hifiberry zita_convolver ir48.wav
Start at boot:
sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/dsp.service
content for new systemd config file:
Description=dsp for living room speakers
# don`t ever stop restarting this service
# check if there is some sound incoming, othersie don`t start dsp to prevent any unwanted output
ExecStartPre=arecord -f S24_LE -c 2 -r 48000 -D hifiberry -s 1
# start the dsp as a loop back device
ExecStart=sudo nice --19 dsp -c 2 -e s16 -r 48000 -t alsa hifiberry -o hifiberry zita_convolver ir48.wav
# restart this service in any case, even on exit 0 success
# restart this service after 3 seconds
Install new service:
sudo systemctl enable dsp
Start new service:
sudo systemctl start dsp
after making changes to /etc/systemd/system/dsp.service:
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl restart dsp
I had to shorten the impulse response wave file a lot otherwise the latency was too long. The zita_convolver should have a low latency even with longer impulse response files, but that didn`t work out that way. So i kept only about 100ms of the original wave file. (used Audacity)
this makes it possible to play audio with other Raspberry Pi software through the dsp
create the dsp configuration file
sudo mkdir /etc/ladspa_dsp
sudo nano /etc/ladspa_dsp/config_living_room_speakers
add these lines:
effects_chain=zita_convolver /etc/ladspa_dsp/ir48.wav
copy impulse response file to the configuration path:
sudo cp ir48.wav /etc/ladspa_dsp
setup the alsa configuration:
sudo nano /etc/asound.conf
add the following:
# output to "dsp" for convolved output to hifiberry
# first use type plug to convert to format FLOAT (ladspa can only process FLOAT)
pcm.dsp {
type plug
slave {
format FLOAT
pcm convolver
hint {
show on
description "Living Room Speakers Convolver."
# the actual convolver
pcm.convolver {
type ladspa
channels 2
path "/usr/lib/ladspa"
playback_plugins [{
label "ladspa_dsp:living_room_speakers"
slave.pcm digital_out
# use plug to convert FLOAT back to S24_LE (HifiBerry DIGI+ can only output S16_LE or S24_LE)
pcm.digital_out {
type plug
slave {
format S24_LE
pcm hifiberry
Test own audio device:
flac -c -d hello.flac | aplay -D dsp