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Alexandra Bozec edited this page Apr 23, 2019 · 1 revision

Domain-independent source code for sampling HYCOM archive files.


Some common source files are hardlinked to those in HYCOM-tools/libsrc.
Replicating these files in all source directories avoids issues with compiler-dependent module processing.

All programs read regional.grid.b at run-time to get idm and jdm for the particular region being processed.

The Makefile is configured to key on ../../config/$(ARCH)_setup for machine-dependent definitions, see the Config Setup wiki page. When running on (say) a Linux PC, ARCH is "intel" and an individual make command might be:
make hycomproc ARCH=intel >& Make_hycomproc

Typically all executables are created just once by editing Make_all.src for the correct ARCH and then issuing the command csh Make_all.csh.

The program baro_vel will extract barotropic (depth averaged) velocity at every point along a list of sections from a sequence of archive files. The resulting plain text barotropic velocity profiles can be plotted by many graphics packages, including gnuplot.

The program transport will sample the tranport across a list of sections from a sequence of archive files.

The program transp_mn will sample the tranport across a list of sections from a single mean archive file.

The program transp_mn_2p0 will sample the tranport across a list of sections from a single mean archive file generated by the HYCOM 2.0 meanstd program. Only the barotropic transport (i.e. total transport across all layers) is sampled.

The program mergetspt will merge transport sample files that contain identical sections but for different time periods.

The program meantspt will produce mean and variability transport section statistics from a transport section data file generated by transport or transp_mn (zero variability) or transp_mn_2p0 (mean total transport only).

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