This project based on our ArduiTouch kit for Arduino MKR. You can combine any Arduino MKR board and an optional shield with a wall mounting enclosure and a coloured TFT touchscreen. In our example we will use it to create a nice looking MODBUS thermostat.
Required Materials:
- ArduiTouch MKR kit
- Arduino MKR Zero or 1010
- Arduino MKR 485 shield
Please install the following libraries through Arduino Library Manager:
AdafruitGFX Library :
AdafruitILI9341 Library :
XPT2046_Touchscreenby Paul Stoffregen:
SimpleModbusMKRby Hartmut Wendt:
You can also download the library also directly as ZIP file and uncompress the folder under yourarduinosketchfolder/libraries/ After installing the Adafruit libraries, restart the Arduino IDE.