This document contains description and requirements for assignment for Backend developer position.
- Verify applicant's ability to work with 3rd party libraries.
- Verify that applicant is able to write clean and testable code.
- Check for best practices inside chosen backend framework.
For implementation use PHP or NodeJS or GoLang
Create a payment gateway library, that can handle payments with:
NOTE on Braintree: In official [spec] ( stated that either paymentMethodNonce or paymentMethodToken could be used. But actually there is one more option to use creditCard. In sake of assignment's simplicity please go with creditCard.
[Credit Card Payload] (
"amount": "100",
"creditCard": {
"number": "4111111111111111",
"expirationMonth": "2",
"expirationYear": "2020",
"cvv": "111"
Library should be designed to easily add another additional payment gateways.
- Create a simple form for making payment. Form should have this fields:
- In order section:
- Price (amount)
- Currency (USD, EUR, THB, HKD, SGD, AUD)
- Customer Full name
- In payment section:
- Credit card holder name
- Credit card number
- Credit card expiration
- Credit card CCV
- Submit button
Show success or error message after payment.
Use appropriate form validations.
Save order data + response from payment gateway to database table.
Create a public repository on Github and push the solution there. Send us the link to the repository.
- Create your own sandbox accounts for Paypal and Braintree
- To make it easier, implement only single payment with credit card. No need to implement saving credit card and authorization of payments (unless you really want to try it out).
- After submitting the form, use a different gateway based on these rules:
- if credit card type is AMEX, then use Paypal.
- if currency is USD, EUR, or AUD, then use Paypal. Otherwise use Braintree.
- if currency is not USD and credit card is AMEX, return error message, that AMEX is possible to use only for USD
- Use any Node.js framework you want or no framework at all, it's up to you.
- Usually we use Express.js - feel free to use this one, if you don't have any preferred one.
- Don't bother with any graphics, just simple HTML, simple form, no CSS needed. Or just use Twitter Bootstrap.
- Use only Paypal and Braintree Node.js libraries, not any other 3rd party libraries.
- Cover code with unit tests.
- The code needs to work after we pull it and try it (no bugs) and should process the payments.
- No Angular.js (jquery is fine)
Similarly as during any other code review in our team, we'll be checking the following:
- code quality
- usage of the configuration files
- usage of the unit tests
- naming convention
- How would you handle security for saving credit cards?