This is a small C library that wholy implements Integers via recursion. There is no inherent max possible size of the integers allocatable with it, only limitations are due to the user's RAM.
NOTE: in the future, the library's orientation may change drastically (as a result of expansion).
temp note: library's currently in development process, and so caution is advised when putting to use.
make [target] NAME=[name]
When in the project directory.
This will create the build
directory at the project's root containing the object files,
as well as the archive with the chosen name [name].a
The target to be chosen depends on the compiler and system.
Currently available targets (compilers/systems):
(default) - GCC and Windowsgcc
- GCC with Shell Script
Then, just use the archive, as you would any other archive-distributed library.
from here on is actually LLONG_MIN + 1
. Due to the implementation of llabs
the value of LLONG_MIN
has no absolute value and is so excluded from the library's allowed number range.
The "recursive integers" are basically linked lists, representing their sums. From this definition various properties sprout and the library contains the methods needed to acommodate some of them, as well as mirroring various basic arithmetic interfaces on integers.
- contains basic operations on the recursive_int structure (also the structure itself);optimized.h
- most of operations inbase.h
are on "unoptimized" integers (those that can contain sign alterations and zeros); Contains operations related to optimizing them (saves memory, takes additional time to do, but make writing algorithms a lot easier).recursive_int.h
- methods that depend uponoptimized.h
, but don't relate to optimization itself.print.h
- methods for printing the recursive integers, either as a sum or as a precise value in a given base;string.h
- methdos that mildly simplify dynamic allocation ofwchar_t *
#define min(a, b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b))
#define max(a, b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b))
typedef struct _rint
struct _rint *ri;
long long value;
} recursive_int;
recursive_int *alloc_recursive_int(long long value, recursive_int * ri)
Dynamically alocates a new recursive_int
and returns a pointer to it. Note that only one new layer is allocated.
recursive_int *free_recursive_int(recursive_int *)
Frees the recursive_int
using the given pointer to it (note: THE ALLOCATION PROCEDURE IS RECURSIVE).
recursive_int *recursive_int_copy(recursive_int *)
Dynamically allocates a new copy of a given recursive_int.
recursive_int *recursive_int_abs(recursive_int *)
Changes all the values inside the given recursive_int
to be absolute.
NOTE: this only works like the absolute value when the given recursive_int
has no sign-alterations in terms.
recursive_int *recursive_int_addinv(recursive_int *)
Takes the additive inverse of all the terms within the given recursive_int
recursive_int *recursive_int_inc(recursive_int *)
Increments the given recursive integer in the following fashion - if its top is above LLONG_MAX
, then it allocates a new recursive_int
based of the given one with the value
of 1
and returns a pointer to it. Otherwise - just adds one to the top layer of the recursive_int
Preserves optimized-ness for positive values only.
recursive_int *recursive_int_dec(recursive_int *)
A decrement of the given recursive_int
defined in the same fashion as recursive_int_inc
, except for now one is checking for LLONG_MIN
Preserves optimizedness for negative values only.
recursive_int *recursive_zero()
Allocates and returns a pointer to the recursive_int
equivalent of 0
recursive_int *recursive_int_from_ll(long long v)
An alias for allocation of a new recursive_int
of depth 1
with value
of v
(direct conversion from long long
recursive_int *get_negative(recursive_int * ri)
Allocates and returns a new recursive_int
, such that it contains only all the negative terms of ri
recursive_int *get_positive(recursive_int *)
Same as get_negative
, but for positive terms.
recursive_int *first_not_full(recursive_int * ri)
Returns the first sub-integer of ri
such that its values are neither of LLONG_MAX
recursive_int *last_not_full(recursive_int * ri)
Returns the last sub-integer of ri
such that its values are neither of LLONG_MAX
recursive_int *recursive_int_last(recursive_int * ri)
Returns the last sub-integer of ri
recursive_int *recursive_int_set_last(recursive_int * ri, recursive_int * newlast)
Replaces the current last sub-integer of ri
with newlast
. Returns the pointer to the discarded one.
recursive_int *recursive_int_depth(recursive_int *)
Returns the number of summands inside of the given recursive_int
recursive_int *recursive_int_revert(recursive_int *)
Reverts the order of summands inside the given recursive_int.
This header file includes all of the methods and definitions from base.h
recursive_int *recursive_int_optimize(recursive_int *)
"Optimizes" a given recursive_int
. Eliminates all:
- Sign alterations
- Terms that are not equal to
(up to 1). - Terms that are equal to
While preserving the final value of the recursive_int
The optimized versions are far more memory efficient, are easier to work with and cause solutions to certain algorithms to become trivial. The only downside to using them is the necessity for explicit conversion before doing doing anything futher (which can be more costly time-wise).
On the other hand, the unoptimized operations are simpler to implement, but are more resource-costly (unneeded allocated space).
recursive_int *recursive_int_diff(recursive_int *, recursive_int *)
Difference between two recursive_int
s without sign alteration (preserves not the optimized-ness, but only the lack of sign-alteration).
recursive_int *recursive_int_sum(recursive_int *, recursive_int *)
Sum between two recursive_int
s without sign alteration (preserves not the optimized-ness, but only the lack of sign-alteration).
bool greateroe(long long x, long long y);
A functional equivalent of x >= y
bool lesseroe(long long x, long long y);
A functional equivalent of x <= y
recursive_int *recursive_int_minimize(recursive_int *)
Eliminates all the 0
s and other non-LLONG_MAX
values (up to 1)
with preservation of the final value of the sum (it does that by means of 'shrinking' the sum's value);
NOTE: the only possible value that is non-LLONG_MAX
is at the BOTTOM (end) of the linked list.
This way, this first has got to be reversed with recursive_int_optimized_revert
bool recursive_int_equal_optimized(recursive_int *, recursive_int *)
Checks whether two optimized recursive_int
s are equal.
bool optimized_is_zero(recursive_int *)
Checks whether the given optimized recursive_int
is zero.
recursive_int *recursive_int_optimized_revert(recursive_int *)
Reverts the order of summands inside the given optimized recursive_int
NOTE: in practice, all it does is change the first and last nodes places, returning the pointer to the new first one. For optimized values, this is a sum-equivalent of a full revert.
This header file includes all the definitions and methods from optimized.h
recursive_int *recursive_int_add(recursive_int *, recursive_int *)
Sum between two recursive_int
s - does not allocate a new one (only links the latter to the former one's end). Does not (generally) preserve optimizedness.
recursive_int *recursive_int_add_i(recursive_int *, long long value)
Same as recursive_int_add
, but first allocates a new recursive_int
from value
recursive_int *recursive_int_mult(recursive_int *, recursive_int *)
Returns the product of two recursive_int
s (works with unoptimized ones).
bool recursive_int_greater(recursive_int *, recursive_int *)
Returns which of the two recursive_int
s is greater (works with unoptimized ones).
bool recursive_int_equal(recursive_int *, recursive_int *)
Returns whether two recursive_int
s are equal (works with unoptimizd ones).
bool recursive_int_sign(recursive_int * ri)
Returns 1
if ri
is positive or 0
and 0
bool is_zero(recursive_int *)
Returns whether the given recursive_int
is zero (works with un-optimized values as well).
bool recursive_int_llfit(recursive_int *)
Returns the boolean indicating whether the given recursive_int
fits into a single long long
Methods related to printing of the values of recursive_int
(mainly for debug purposes).
wchar_t *string_reverse(wchar_t *)
Allocates a new wchar_t
array, the value of which is the reversal of the given one, and then returns pointer to it.
wchar_t *base_representation(long long number, unsigned short base)
Allocates a new wchar_t *
, pointing to the symbolic representation of number
in base
NOTE: the UTF-16 values are used for construction of symbols for every given base
wchar_t *symbolic_bit_add(wchar_t *dest, wchar_t *add, long long pos, unsigned short base)
"Adds" symbolicaly the last item of the wchar_t
pointer add
to dest
at position pos
(altering it) and subtracts the value from add
(without altering it)
in base base
. Returns dest
NOTE: using a negative value for pos
will cause the string to be reallocated and
wchar_t * symbolic_right_shift(whcar_t *dest);
Performs a shift of the data of dest
to the 'right' (the end of the string);
The first element becomes '0'
NOTE: this doesn't reallocate the dest
, instead using the already present length;
wchar_t * symbolic_left_shift(whcar_t *dest);
A left (string beginning) equivalent of symbolic_right_shift
bool symbolic_greater(wchar_t * a, wchar_t * b);
Compares two numbers' strings representations and returns whether the first is greater than the second. Takes negativity into account.
wchar_t *symbolic_new_size(wchar_t *total, size_t length);
Changes the symbolic "size" of the total
to length
wchar_t *negate(wchar_t *a);
Allocates the negation of the value of a
and returns it (handles multiple negative signs as well).
wchar_t *symbolic_bit_sub(wchar_t *dest, wchar_t *add, size_t pos, unsigned short base)
Same as symbolic_bit_add
, but instead of addition does subtraction from dest
wchar_t *symbolic_addition(wchar_t *, wchar_t *, unsigned short base);
Adds "symbolically" first and second argument (signs can differ) in base base
then returns the pointer to the result as a newly allocated wchar_t*
wchar_t *symbolic_subtraction(wchar_t *total, wchar_t *sub, unsigned short base);
Same as symbolic_addition
, but for subtraction (also, does not work with negative values).
wchar_t *symbolic_plus(wchar_t *, wchar_t *);
Allocates and returns a new string which is the concatenation of the given two arguments with
either "+"
or "-"
(if the second one is negative).
wchar_t *recursive_int_print(recursive_int *, unsigned short base);
Allocates a new wchar_t*
, containing the representation of a given recursive_int
in base base
and returns it.
wchar_t *recursive_int_print_sum(recursive_int *, unsigned short base);
Allocates a new wchar_t*
, containing the representation of the given recursive_int
as a sum of
long long
values represented as wchar_t*
in base base
wchar_t * alloc_str(size_t elems)
Allocates and returns a pointer to a string with elems
number of elements ('\0'
is excluded).
NOTE: the string is uninitialized.
wchar_t * str_append(wchar_t * origin, long long newelems, wchar_t fill);
Allocates a new string of size wcslen(origin) + newelems
and fills all of its new elements
(those that go after wcslen(origin)
) with fill
. All the other ones are filled with values from origin
NOTE: this can be used to create strings with lesser number of characters as well. For that, newelems
has to be < 0
wchar_t *str_prepend(wchar_t * origin, long long newelems, wchar_t fill);
Same as str_append
, but adds fill