- You can open project with Visual Studio directly (recommended) with choosing Clone a Project section or you can use Github Desktop.
You have to run migratons first for running project as expected.
Firstly choose src/Kodlama.io.Devs/WebAPI as Startup Project.
Then open Package Manager Console. In Packace Manager Console window choose src/Kodlama.io.Devs/Persistence as default Project.
Then run these commands in Package Manager Console in order:
add-migration initialMigration
- This commands Creates a Migration Folder in src/Kodlama.io.Devs/Persistence and Adds a file named initialMigration. For apply migration run:
- Thats it. You can run project now. You can test functions and requests with swagger. Swagger will open when you run this project. Have a nice day 💻.