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A Gated PartialConv + Self-Attention Approach to Fingerprint Restoration and Denoising

This repository contains a double-stage Generator (using Gated Partial Convolutions and Self-Attention) and a Patch Discriminator, designed to inpaint and refine fingerprint images. The model removes noise, bridges broken lines, and thins the ridges for a cleaner fingerprint restoration, producing visually and structurally consistent output.

Table of Contents

  1. Features
  2. Model Architecture
  3. Getting Started
  4. Results
  5. Project Structure
  6. Usage & Examples
  7. Contributing
  8. License
  9. Acknowledgments


  • Double-Stage Gated PartialConv Generator to handle missing/noisy fingerprint regions.
  • Self-Attention to capture global context and improve coherence in fingerprints.
  • Patch Discriminator (LSGAN) for adversarial training on local patches.
  • Post-processing with morphological operations and endpoint-bridging to restore continuity in ridges.
  • Mixed Precision Training for faster runs and lower memory usage on GPUs.

Model Architecture


  1. Stage 1: Gated PartialConv U-Net (4-level depth)
  2. Stage 2: Another Gated PartialConv U-Net refining the output of Stage 1
  3. Self-Attention inserted in the bottleneck of each U-Net for global coherence.


  • Patch Discriminator that operates on concatenated (noisy_input, generated/real_output) pairs, following the LSGAN style.

Model Diagram

Getting Started


  1. Clone this repository:

    git clone
    cd DeepFingerprint-Refiner
  2. Install Dependencies (create a virtual environment if you prefer):

    pip install torch torchvision torchaudio --extra-index-url
    pip install numpy matplotlib opencv-python tqdm Pillow

    Adjust the PyTorch version and CUDA version above (cu118) to match your system configuration.

  3. (Optional) Check GPU:

    import torch
    print(torch.cuda.is_available())  # Should print True if GPU is accessible

Dataset Structure

You need two directories:

  • Clean dataset (CLEAN_DATASET_PATH): Ground-truth, noiseless fingerprint images.
  • Noisy dataset (NOISY_DATASET_PATH): Noisy or partially corrupted fingerprint images.

Each directory should contain images in a consistent format (e.g., .tif, .png, or .jpg).
Ensure that file naming conventions allow the script to pair noisy and clean images properly.

Example folder structure:

├── clean_dataset/
│   ├── 0001_clean.tif
│   ├── 0002_clean.tif
│   └── ...
└── mixed_noisy_dataset/
    ├── 0001_noisy_001.tif
    ├── 0002_noisy_002.tif
    └── ...

The pairing logic in FingerprintDataset looks for filenames sharing certain segments.

Running the Training Script

  1. Configure paths and hyperparameters in
    # Paths & hyperparams in
    CLEAN_DATASET_PATH = r"D:\Deep learning\PROJECT\processed_dataset_final\clean_dataset"
    NOISY_DATASET_PATH = r"D:\Deep learning\PROJECT\processed_dataset_final\mixed_noisy_dataset"
    num_epochs         = 300
    batch_size         = 4
    learning_rate      = 2e-4
    lambda_L1          = 100
  2. Run Training:
  3. Check Logs & Samples:
    • Training progression is displayed in the console (loss metrics).
    • Sample images are saved every 10 epochs in OUTPUT_DIR/samples/.

When training completes, the final model weights (generator_final.pth and discriminator_final.pth) will be saved in OUTPUT_DIR.


Qualitative Examples (from the saved samples/epoch_X.png):

  1. Noisy Input: Original corrupted fingerprint.
  2. Lines Drawn On Top: Generator output (Stage 2) with morphological bridging and endpoint connections.
  3. Ground Truth: Clean dataset reference.

Results Example

Project Structure

A typical layout of the repository might look like this:

├── samples/                # Generated sample images during training
├── training_results/       # Additional logs/results
├── Validation/
│   ├── epoch_progression/  # Checkpoints / partial results over epochs
│   ├── Test_Results/
│   ├──             # Evaluation script
│   ├──        # Possibly a refined version of test or evaluation
│   ├──    # Data loader or test script
│   ├──          # Official testing script
│   ├── batch_losses.png    # Example of recorded losses
│   ├── loss_curves.png     # Visualization of generator/discriminator losses
│   └── ...
├── discriminator_epoch_270.pth  # Example of saved discriminator checkpoint
├── generator_epoch_270.pth      # Example of saved generator checkpoint
├──                # Main training script
├──                # Data script
├──               # Project documentation (this file)
└── ...

Feel free to adjust or reorganize to fit your workflow.

Usage & Examples

  1. Inference / Testing:

    • Modify (or your chosen script) to load the saved weights:
      generator = AdvancedDoubleStageGenerator()
      # Then run inference on new images
  2. Extend Post-Processing:

    • You can further tweak morphological operations (e.g., kernel sizes, thinning parameters) in the code around:
  3. Visualizing:

    • Use matplotlib, OpenCV, or any library of your choice to monitor the generated fingerprint images.


Contributions, suggestions, and fixes are welcome!

  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create a new feature branch
  3. Commit your changes
  4. Open a Pull Request

We appreciate all improvements, ranging from bug fixes to new functionalities.


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT License. You are free to use, modify, and distribute this software, with attribution to this repository.


  • PyTorch for an elegant deep learning framework.
  • NVIDIA PartialConv Paper for the original PartialConvolution approach:
    [“Image Inpainting for Irregular Holes Using Partial Convolutions” – Liu et al., ECCV 2018]
  • Self-Attention references:
    [“Self-Attention Generative Adversarial Networks” – Zhang et al., ICML 2019]

Special thanks to all open-source contributors and the research community working on image inpainting, GANs, and fingerprint enhancement.

Disclaimer: This repository is intended for research and educational purposes. Performance on different datasets may vary. Always ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations when working with fingerprint or biometric data.