An Automatic Animation generator
Gif to Flipper Animation
Clone the project
git clone https://github.com/H4XV/flipper-animation-generator
Go to the project directory
cd flipper-animation-generator
Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
Drag the GIFs to the "Input" folder
Start the app via cmd
python script.py
Install and Open the Animation Manager
Create a manifest.txt in the "Output" folder and paste in the generated text
Open your console and paste in:
git clone --recursive https://github.com/flipperdevices/flipperzero-firmware.git
Copy your Generated Folders & manifest.txt
Go to USERS/%YourUser$/flipperzero-firmware/assets/dolphin/external
Delete all Folders and Paste in your Folders with the manifest.txt
then go back to USERS/%YourUser$/flipperzero-firmware/
Select the field where your path stands and write "cmd"
After cmd opend, Paste in following;
fbt resources icons dolphin_ext
Wait until its done
Go to USERS/%YourUser$/flipperzero-firmware/assets/ressources/dolphin
IF ANY MORE HELP NEEDED WATCH THE VIDEO JOIN My Discord Server and create a Ticket in #support