- Use arrow keys
- Connect using serial port (button at the right corner of the website navigation bar) and continuously receive integer value that indicates pressed keys
- 16 bit array (Uint8array) aka usinged int:
index 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 .. 0 key UP DOWN LEFT RIGHT START SELECT N/A value 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 .. 32768
- 16 bit array (Uint8array) aka usinged int:
- As of 2023-04-16 this works on mobile
- Create a web vesion of DDR/ITG game
- Serverless
- Fast loading
- Media (songs, videos) stored on 3rd party servers
- keeping media on youtube servers seams a lot more legal
- Play the standard simfile (.SM) format to leverage existing song base
OutFox arrows, glow, judgement images - https://github.com/TeamRizu/OutFox
Stepmania default fallback mine image/sound - https://github.com/stepmania/stepmania
JS Simfile parser from some old video (cannot find the link anymore)
- Seems like Trumpet63-stream also rewrote it to typescript https://github.com/Trumpet63-stream/SimParser
- For peace of mind I link his licence as well http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- As required by licence I mention that there is almost no original code left.
- Seems like Trumpet63-stream also rewrote it to typescript https://github.com/Trumpet63-stream/SimParser
Project includes simfiles from specific simfile pad packs:
- Ace Of Arrows - http://aceofarrows.weebly.com/
- chewi's simfiles - https://zenius-i-vanisher.com/v5.2/viewsimfilecategory.php?categoryid=842
- Fraxtil - https://fra.xtil.net/simfiles/
- Otaku's Dream Mix - https://www.otakusdream.com/news/?page_id=1320
- Sudziosis - https://zenius-i-vanisher.com/v5.2/viewthread.php?threadid=5434
- Valex's Magical 4-Arrow Adventure - https://search.stepmaniaonline.net/packs/Valex%27s+Magical+4-Arrow+Adventure
- Vocaloid Project Pad Pack - https://search.stepmaniaonline.net/packs/Vocaloid+Project+Pad+Pack
- Other - various other singles are included in seperate folder
As of this writing almost all (2 songs from dailymotion) music/videos are stored in youtube
- Missing songs were uploaded unlisted to my channel
- Videos are played using https://www.npmjs.com/package/ngx-y2-player
- Which in turn utilizes https://developers.google.com/youtube/iframe_api_reference
WIP Audio segmentation, classification for simfile generation
- tensorflow.js aka yamnet audio classication for mobile
- peaks.js - BBC licence, strange licence, remove later
- pulse.js stolen and rewriten to typescript
- @mediapipe/tasks-audio - remove package as tensorflow is better
WIP Serial on mobile
- Tried https://github.com/google/web-serial-polyfill, partially working,
stolencopied locally and fixed
- Tried https://github.com/google/web-serial-polyfill, partially working,