This project is a simple implement a mathematical graph library that provides stores data (with data in node and data in edge) represents on graph and algorithm to operating on this data.
- simple to use
- generic data in node and edge
- supports weighted graph
- supports directed graph
- minimal spanning tree Kruskal and Prim algorithm (for weighted graph)
- shortest Dijkstra path algorithm (for weighted graph)
- node coloring
- traversal
- save graph system (save to file).
- graph to serializable graph and conversely converter (easy to save)!
MathGraph available in Nuget package.
MathGraphSave available in Nuget package.
Compiling bin library is located in /bin folder.
Copy Graph and Priority Queue (.dll files) to your project (and GraphSave when you save graph to file).
Data in node and edge is int. Graph is unweighted and undirected (simple graph)
// < Type of node data, type of edge data > (isWeighted, isDirected)
Graph<int, int> graph = new Graph<int, int>();
// Add:
graph.AddNode(0); // parameters: (data of node)
graph.AddEdge(graph[0], graph[1]); // add edge beetwen node 0 and 1
// or
graph.AddEdge(graph[0], graph[1], edgeData: 10); // add edge beetwen node 0 and 1, and data in edge = 10
// Indexers:
Node<int, int> node0 = graph[0]; // return node from index (reference to node fields)
Edge<int, int> edge01 = graph[0, 1]; // parameters [node from, node to], return edge beetwen node 0 and 1
// Call to data:
Console.WriteLine(edge01.Data); /* or */ Console.WriteLine(graph[0, 1].Data);
// Remove:
graph.RemoveEdge(node0, graph[1]); // remove edge beetwen node 0 and 1
graph.RemoveNode(graph[0]); /* or */ graph.RemoveNode(node0); // node 1 becomes to node 0
For more information, you must view Graph documentation.
When you save a graph, view GraphSave documentation.
Examples available here.
- .Net Core 3.1
- NUnit Framework (for testing)
- Optymalized priority queue for c# (MIT license)
Version: Beta.
This project is: in progress. We add new function, may changes existing method/class names and refactorize project code.