- Third-party authentication (Google)
- Stripe payment platform integration
- Combined filters
- Image loading with Cloudinary
- Cloudinary/upload/bucket
- E-mail and live notifications
- Logic user delete
- Redux persist
- Likes and review system
- Dashboard admin
- JavaScript
- Node.js
- Express.js
- MongoDB
- HTML 5
- React.js
- Redux.js
- Chakra UI
- Cloudinary
- Firebase
- Toastify
- Nodemailer
- Railway
- Vercel
- Matias Tonelli
- Juan Francisco Drewans
- Federico Irarrázaval
- Pedro Martinez
- Pablo Carro
- Adriel Lopez
- Gustavo Engers
Due to legal copyright issues, Kinema only play trailers.
You can visit the site by following this link: KINEMA
You can try any credit card operation with the following:
4242 4242 4242 4242 (any security code will work).
Hope you enjoy it!