Releases: Gulix/MSETemplates
v1.5.0 - What lurks in the Frozen City
This template has been stuck some time, between other projects and some blocks on the "snowflakes design". But I finally did it !
So, for the explorers of the Frozen City, here is a template for all the creatures that lurk within its ruins. You can either copy the ones from the rulebook, or do your owns with your minis collection.
Here is an example (in french) of a Creature :
For the one who want to save ink, a variant exist with no images. See the "Style" tab when you edit the cards in Magic Set Editor.
As before, you can get the source file to add inside your MSE folder, or use the installer provided (one with all my templates, another with only this one)
v1.4.0 - One Page One Card
I recently discovered the ruleset "One Page Kill Team", and I've became fond of it.
And, to play and build armies faster with my miniatures collection, I decided to make a card template.
Here it is, 40K Style.
It's a simple template, so if you're looking to a simple base for your own, feel free to use it !
As before, you can get the source file to add inside your MSE folder, or use the installer provided (one with all my templates, another with only this one)
v1.3.1 - One Wizard One Spell
After playing with the Spells cards, I found out that the fixed casting value was not a great idea. A wizard can have a different casting value : school not aligned, experience, apprentice, ...
So, I added a new style to the Frostgrave Spell Cards template, adding two blank circles, that the players could fill with their own values.
That's it ! That's the only new thing in this release ...
v1.3.0 - Winter is coming !
This new release is for a new set of cards, related to Frostgrave, an Osprey Games.
In Frostgrave, you play a wizard fighting other wizards, and launching spells of course !
Here you'll find a template for simple and easy-to-print Frostgrave Spell Cards !
Cette nouvelle release concerne un nouveau set de cartes, pour Frostgrave, un jeu Osprey.
Dans Frostgrave, vous jouez un magicien combattant d'autres magiciens, lançant une multitude de sorts !
Vous trouverez ici un template de carte pour les sorts de Frostgrave, simple et facile à imprimer !
v1.2.4 - Oups ! I forgot to add packages !
Nothing new on this release ... At least, not in the code.
It has been reported that the installer did not include the Pulp City Minions template. It was true, I forgot to add the new packages to the installer !
This error is corrected by now, and this 1.2.4 version corrects only this : the installer package.
Rien de neuf pour cette release ... Du moins, rien dans le code.
Il a été remonté que l'installeur ne proposait pas le template des Minions pour Pulp City. Et après vérification, en effet, j'avais oublié d'inclure certains packages dans l'installeur !
Cette erreur est maintenant corrigée, et cette version 1.2.4 ne corrige que cela : l'installeur.
v1.2.3 - Pulp City : AGP cards & Leader / Faction Cards
Nouveaux templates pour Pulp City
- Cartes AGP : cartes génériques pour les Intrigues / Agendas, pour avoir une carte par Agenda (plus lisible)
- Cartes de Leaders
- Cartes de Faction
Le guide d'utilisation du template de Pulp City :
New templates for Pulp City
- AGP cards : generic cards granting AGP, like Plots / Agendas, in order to get one card by Agenda, with a larger text.
- Leader Cards
- Faction Cards
User Guide of the Pulp City templates :
v1.2.2 - Pulp City : Here come the Powerhouses !
Amélioration des templates pour Pulp City
- Ajout des symboles des origines
- Ajout de l'icône "Dice+" pour les Powerhouses
Le guide d'utilisation du template de Pulp City :
Enhancements for the Pulp City templates
- Origins symbols added
- "Dice+" icon for the Powerhouses added
User Guide of the Pulp City templates :
v1.2.1 - Pulp City : Les Minions s'améliorent
Amélioration des templates de Supremes et de Minions pour Pulp City
- Possibilité de passer autre chose que des chiffres dans les Traits
- Taille de police sur les traits variable, selon le contenu
- Meilleur affichage de la mention Unique pour les Minions
- Affichage des PV des Minions par carte, ou par figuine, au choix
Le guide d'utilisation du template de Pulp City :
Enhancements for the Supremes and Minions templates for Pulp City
- Possibility to set a trait to a non-numeric value
- Font size of the Trait value is variable, depending on the content
- The "Unique" bar on the Minions card is bigger
- HP of Minions can be displayed by models or by card
User Guide of the Pulp City templates :
v1.2.0 - Pulp City : Les Minions débarquent !
Un nouveau style arrive sur les cartes pour Song of Blades & Heroes : la Glace. Un léger avant-goût des nouveautés à venir sur ce template.
Pour Pulp City, je continue à faire évoluer le template des Supremes, avec de nouveaux Symboles, l'information Minions+, et celui des Minions devient à son tour disponible ! Pour bien utiliser ces templates, suivez le guide :
A new style is coming onto the Song of Blades & Heroes cards : the Ice. A little preview of what is to come for this template.
For Pulp City, I continue to evolve the Supremes Templates, adding new Symbols, the Minions+ information, and the Minions cards are now available ! To understand how these templates work, follow the guide :
Révision des polices pour Pulp City
Légère révision pour Pulp City, avec un meilleur affichage des polices d'écriture.