In the application you will find reliable, official information on the current situation related to the coronavirus pandemic. You can learn how to take precautions and what to do in the event of suspected infection in yourself or your loved ones.
The project is a typical information application. It consists of many different tabs - FAQ on the pandemic situation, covid statistics in Poland and in the world, news articles and a "rapid response algorithm" providing informations depending on the pandemic situation of the user.
The project is made for self-development purposes.
Date of project creating: 29.05.2020
Project language: Polish
Due to the inactivity of the data on which it was based on, the project is mostly inactive. But still works.
- react-native
- vanilla javascript
- expo as compiling/preview service
- yarn as projectmanager
- photoshop for creating grahpics
The program is implemented with a structural paradigm. User interface is separated from the program's logic.
react-native version: 0.61.4
sdk project version: 37
supported expo mobile app for sdk v37: 2.18.3 (2020-12-09)
Install yarn via npm or your own system package manager.
If you acutally obtained it before, do not forget to upgrade it:
$ yarn upgrade
Using yarn, get all needed node_modules by comannd:
$ yarn
Install globaly expo-cli:
$ yarn global add expo-cli
Build .apk application by:
$ expo build
Or run live-preview by:
$ expo start
And scan qr code shown in terminal/localhost by expo mobile application.
All graphics included in the project were created in collaboration with Wojciech Boduch directly for the purpose of being used in the project, all rights reserved.
The application's content and its articles were created directly for the purpose of being used in the project, all rights reserved.
Content in the application presents informations (valid at the time the application was created) based on data of Polish Ministry of Health or the Chief Sanitary Inspectorate, compiled on the basis of data from the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO).
The project contains directly scraped government data (ministry of health) on the number of infections and covid hospitals. The data is properly parsed and presented in a graphical system that is easy to view. The legal issue regarding the use of data and resources from the Ministry of Health was agreed with it directly.
The project also includes a separate tab for covid statistics in all countries in the world - the use of my components to visualize data based on the API
Based on the data obtained by WHO, a special "rapid response" system has also been created, allowing for that time to make appropriate decisions in connection with the pandemic situation in which the user is specifically located.
System - the form consists of a dozen or so different scenarios dressed in a grid of questions regarding the procedure in relation to a specific situation, which finally directs to the last tabs presenting:
- detailed information
- links to WHO or government websites
- direct phonecall functional buttons to the appropriate support numbers
- etc.
In collaboration with Marcin Mnich and Michał Rogalski, with their permission, I have added to the seperate tab, their covid report to my application using proper parsing and web-view component.
Report is based on data from the ministry of health and voivodship self-governments showing accurate and highly detailed math data and predictions for covid-19 status.
Direct links to their project:
The project has its own section of (selfwritten) blog-type articles. Section contains an article search field and a button to use filtering. Articles also use tags (keywords) to facilitate their search in the future.
Section contains created by me one of the first in the world DIY graphical tutorial for making your own face mask.
Project includes a contact template powered by an external system "nativeforms"