This is a bot that aimed to receive message from wechat contact and format it to data, then call selenium to complete the register procedure semi-automatically. The sensitive info has been replaced by placeholder(such as token, whiteList etc...), it's mainly for my own personal useage, so sry for any inconvenience.
- Node.js v10 or above
- Build Tools for your Platform
- WebDriver for your browser
If you have not installed Node.js(or version is below 10),You need to install the latest version of Node.js first by following the links below:
Instal Node.js for other platforms can be found at Check the puppet page Puppet to know about token and complie preparation. Download the WebDriver Chrome and put it into your system's PATH env variable.
git clone
cd wechaty-getting-started
npm install
replace token and other config in config.ts and customize your own action in action.ts.
npm start:ts
You are all set!