NPM package for generating mnemonic pictures written in Rust
Check out the online demo
Generate a unique picture for any given (number/string) seed
Generation is presistent across devices and sessions
To verify this, you can enter 'Red Sky' seed at 195x130 resolution in the online demo
Resulting image should look like red sky
NPM package:
npm i @gregorykogan/mnemonic-pictures
yarn add @gregorykogan/mnemonic-pictures
This package uses WASM which is not supported by default by most frontend tooling. You would need some 3rd party package to add WASM support. For example this is what you would need to do for Vite:
Add vite-plugin-wasm and vite-plugin-top-level-await. Configure it like this
// vite.config.ts
import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
import wasm from "vite-plugin-wasm";
import topLevelAwait from "vite-plugin-top-level-await";
export default defineConfig({
plugins: [
optimizeDeps: {
exclude: [
WASM module needs to be initialized before running. init()
function is async and is module's default export
Import example with top-level await:
import init, { init_console_errors } from '@gregorykogan/mnemonic-pictures';
await init();
// do whatever with the module
Import example without top-level await:
import init, { init_console_errors } from '@gregorykogan/mnemonic-pictures';
let wasmLoaded = false;
init().then(() => {
wasmLoaded = true;
// ...
if (wasmLoaded) {
// do whatever with the module
Here init_console_errors()
is optional. It will log human readable traceback for wasm errors if they occur.
<canvas id="display" width="600" height="400"></canvas>
import { generate, generate_from_string } from '@gregorykogan/mnemonic-pictures';
// assuming wasm module is initialized
generate("display", BigInt(123456)); // generate from number seed
// or
generate_from_string("display", "my-seed"); // generate from string seed
Here the first argument is an id
of the canvas html element and the second one is a generation seed.
Seed is used to configure starting state of pseudo random generator that is used for further image generation on all steps.
To get u64 number from string SipHasher crate is used.
Often canvases of small sizes (15 by 10 for example) are displayed blurry. To fix it add this line to your canvas CSS styling:
#display {
image-rendering: pixelated;
You can see full usage example here