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Code for the task DataBench, Question-Answering over Tabular Data challenge for the SemEval 2025

Detailed descrition of the code and results can be found in the paper


conda activate py11
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install pdm
pdm install -G dev -G test
pip install pre-commit
pre-commit install

configure .env

Add a .env file to the root of the proyect and add a OPENAI key as:



Description in more detail than the intro

Musts content that the overview section should contain:

  • Name of the project to which this module belongs (provided it makes sense and is not simply the name of the company)
  • Input data that is handled and data that is generated with the module (on a business level, not technical)
  • Indicate submodules if they exist
  • List of functionalities


Installation (optional)

The way to install this project is via Docker, so the docker command must be available to the current user.

Once this is done, the image needs to be present locally. If it is available in a registry, you can pull it using:

docker pull <URL to image>

Do note that with private registries you have to log in first using docker login <URL of the registry>.

If the image is not in a registry, or you want to build it, refer to the Docker section inside Development.

Configuration (optional)

Any configuration can be changed modifying the files that appear below env_file in the tools/docker/docker-compose.yml file. You may also want to point to another file, or include more.


To run the aplication, you can use the tools/docker/docker-compose.yml file. This is how to do it:

cd tools/docker/
docker compose up

Optionally, you can add -d at the end of the last command to run it in the background.



This project has been developed using Python 3 and PDM. So, python3 is required.

Dependencies are managed through the PDM tool, which you can install as follows (or via any other official method):

curl -sSL | python3 -

PDM will detect if it's running in a virtual environment and use it, or create one in the .venv directory if it isn't.

There's a Makefile file included in this project, which can be used to perform actions with just one simple command. The make command must be available in order to use it.

Additionally, this project uses pre-commit hooks to check code quality and format before it's finally committed to the repository. You must configure the pre-commit hooks to evaluate your code, follow these steps:

  1. Install the pre-commit utility: make install-dev
  2. Run the following command in the root directory : pdm run pre-commit install
  3. Done.

You have more info about pre-commit hooks in the docs folder.


All required Python packages may be installed using the command:

make install-dev

This will install all the app's dependencies, as well as the development and testing ones. Any new requirement must be added using the pdm add <dependency> command.


External configuration is handled using environment variables and Pydantic Settings. An example env file is provided with the name example.env. You can rename it to .env and the app will pick it up automatically when running locally. Do not bake env files into Docker images or commit them to version control.

Read more about this in the external configuration page.


To run the program without installing it, use the following command:

make run


The Makefile can also be used to build a Docker image. The docker command must be available to the current user:

make docker-build

To run said image in development mode use the following command, replacing <command> with one of the options available in tqa.cli:

make docker-run-dev COMMAND=<command>

The Makefile contains many other commands for different situations, so it's worth to be familiar with it.


# All tests
make test

# All tests with coverage reports
make test-cov

# All tests verbose mode (not encouraged use logging module instead)
pdm run pytest -s --log-cli-level=INFO

# Unit tests
pdm run pytest -s --log-cli-level=INFO tests/unit

# Validation tests
pdm run pytest -s --log-cli-level=INFO tests/validation

To run the tests/system/ test you will need an open AI token. Export the environment key

export OPENAI_API_KEY=<your api key>

This test will generate a column description from the different tables

pytest tests/system/

This test generates a file table_result.json with the descriptions of the columns of the tables.


  • tqa: contains the source code.
  • .github/workflows: contains the CI/CD tasks defined by Gradiant during this project's development.
  • tools: tools and utilities to help in the execution of the service.

This project was developed by Gradiant.


This repository is licensed under the Mozilla Public License v2.0 - see the LICENSE file for details


No description, website, or topics provided.







No packages published
