Experimental implementation of promises on top of ES Harmony Proxies.
This implementation is in early alpha state. Since Spidermonkey is only javascript engine implementing Proxies so far, you can try this out either on Firefox 4 using teleport or using jetpack.
npm install meta-promise
cd /usr/local/lib/node/.npm/meta-promise/active/package/
teleport activate
var mp = require('meta-promise')
// In teleport please run following seperately from first line.
if ('undefined' == typeof setTimeout)
var setTimeout = require('timer').setTimeout
var deferred = mp.defer()
var promise = deferred.promise // Promise that can be shared with consumers.
// `mp.print` takes promise and prints it when promise is fullfilled.
message: 'You can also use apply with {{name}}'
}, ['meta-promise']))
message: 'You can also use call with {{name}}'
}, ['meta-promise']))
setTimeout(function() {
{ some:
{ object:
{ message: 'Hello {{name}} !'
, talk: function talk(name) {
return this.message.replace('{{name}}', name);
}, 100)
// 'Hello {{name}} !' will be printed in 100ms.
// 'Hello meta-promise !' will be printed in 100ms.
// 'You can also use apply with meta-promise'
// 'You can also use call with meta-promise'