Queue of Recipes using MIPS assembly language
This project uses a variety of data structures to manage recipes and their components efficiently. Below are the details of each structure used in the implementation:
An array is used to store ingredients for recipes. The structure contains the following fields:
- 4 Bytes: Address of the data.
- 4 Bytes: Array size (maximum number of elements).
- 4 Bytes: Element size.
The queue is implemented as a linked list. The structure contains the following fields:
- 4 Bytes: Address of the first node.
- 4 Bytes: Size (number of nodes in the list).
Each node in the linked list represents a single recipe. The structure contains the following fields:
- 4 Bytes: Address of the recipe data.
- 4 Bytes: Address of the next node.
A recipe consists of metadata and ingredients, stored in the following fields:
- 4 Bytes: Address of the recipe name (string).
- 4 Bytes: Address of the ingredients array.
- 4 Bytes: Cooking time (integer).
- 4 Bytes: Difficulty (integer).
- 4 Bytes: Rating (integer).