Any feature requests or issues with the RTGov component should be reported here:
When building the repository, the 'release' folder is platform specific and therefore need a target platform to be specified. All other folders are platform agnostic.
The following environment needs to be setup for the selected target platform:
The 'jbossas' target platform requires JBossEAP with Switchyard. This can be obtained from:
(Note: currently requires switchyard-1.0 or later).
Once installed, set the JBOSS_HOME environment variable to point to the root of the JBossEAP/SwitchYard installation.
From the root folder, build the distribution using:
mvn clean install
Once the build has completed, the distribution can be found in the release/jbossas/distribution/target folder.
NOTE: When building from source for the first time, you should include the -Pdocs option, as the documentation will be required to build the distribution.
It is recommended that you have MAVEN_OPTS set to the following: -Xms512m -Xmx1024m -XX:PermSize=256m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m
If the following environment variables have been defined, then the integration tests will automatically be invoked using the specified JBossEAP/SwitchYard environment.
EAP_DIST: The path to the EAP distribution zip.
SWITCHYARD_DIST: The path to the Switchyard Installer zip.
JBOSS_HOME: This is the target location of the EAP environment.
To generate the javadocs and REST API documentation, include the docs profile when building:
mvn clean install -Pdocs
The javadocs will be generated to the docs/javadoc/target folder, and the REST API docs in the docs/restapi/target folder.
To generate the RTGov UI war for use in FSW 6.0, you will need to include the profile fsw60:
mvn clean install -Pfsw60
The overlord-rtgov-ui.war is located in the ui/overlord-rtgov-ui-fsw60/target.
Instructions on setting up an Eclipse development environment can be found here:
Please also read the guidelines for contributors: