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GovWifi Shared Frontend


This package offers shared functionality across the three websites that make GovWifi.

govwifi-shared-frontend is used by:


  • npm install govwifi-shared-frontend;
  • include the file dist/govwifi-shared-frontend.js: it will install itself in window.GovWifi;
  • Add a page load event listener and plug the API described below.



Cookies functions are scoped to GovWifi.cookies.


Checks whether cookie policy is defined and prompts the user with a dialog to define it if not. The dialog will prepend a div#cookie-banner node to the document's body.


Indicate whether the user has agreed to that category of cookies. The only category at the moment is analytics (and essential, but that will always return true).

GovWifi.cookies.setCategoryAllowed(categoryName, isAllowed)

Amend the cookie policy to allow or disable the given categoryName. If categoryName is not recognised do nothing.

Release process

Update the code

  1. Create a branch from the main branch and make any necessary code or library updates.

  2. Update the “version” in package.json. Additional features or major code changes trigger a major version bump. Dependabot updates are minor release changes. For more information review semantic versioning docs.

  3. If you’ve updated any libraries run npm install.

    This will update the package-lock.json file which also must be committed.

  4. Raise a PR. Once approved, merge the PR into the main branch.

Build release package

The release package must be uploaded to GitHub as part of the release process so it can be downloaded by the repos which use govwifi-shared-frontend.

  1. Run the following from the root project directory:

    $ npx webpack build --config ./webpack.config.js --stats verbose

    This creates a “distribution” folder or dist. The dist contents are configured via webpack in the webpack.config.js file.

  2. Use npm to generate a compressed distribution package of the JS code which we will upload to GitHub:

    $ npm pack 

    This will create a .tgz file at the directory’s root with a naming structure like this: {name}-{release-version}.tgz.

Update Github release version

Navigate to the govwifi-shared-frontend "Releases" page.

Click "Draft new release", then follow the release version process:

  1. Under "Choose tag", create a new tag for the release or use an existing tag if it's appropriate.
  2. Use the release version number for the "Release title"
  3. Add a useful description of the changes in the release, including links to Dependabot PRs if applicable.
  4. Click on "Attach binaries by dropping them here or selecting them."
  5. Attach the govwifi-shared-frontend-{release-version}.tgz file created earlier.

Update GovWifi repos

Once the new version of the project has been released in GitHub, we need to update the package.json files in the GovWifi repos which use govwifi-shared-frontend.

  • govwifi-admin
  • govwifi-product-page
  • govwifi-tech-docs

For each of these projects, complete the following steps:

  1. Create a new branch update-govwifi-shared-frontend from the main branch.
  2. In the repo's package.json, update the "govwifi-shared-frontend" dependency to point to the new release version:
      "dependencies": {
        "govwifi-shared-frontend": "{release-version}/govwifi-shared-frontend-{release-version}.tgz"
    Use the link address of the .tgz file found in the "Assets" section of the govwifi-shared-frontend "Releases" page.
  3. Run npm install to pull in the new release.
  4. Test the app locally to see if the update has caused any breaking changes.
  5. Commit the changes (this should just be package.json and package-lock.json) and raise a PR.
  6. Once the PR is merged follow the stated deployment process for the repo.


  • add webpack to streamline distribution
  • add tests