Requirements :
- Java - 1.7+ ( Preferred version: 1.7 )
- Maven - 3.1 +
- Set JAVA and M2 paths.
Build and Run Steps:
# Clean compile the projects the
mvn clean compile
# Run the Junit Tests
mvn test
NOTE: The functional tests are disabled. To run the functional tests for now you need to first run the the dev server in the standalone more as shown below.
# Run the app server
mvn appengine:devserver
# See also appengine:devserver_start, appengine:devserver_stop
Backend Dev Environment Setup Instructions :
- Install Java
App engine requires Java 7 bytecode level.
Download and install JDK 7.
JDK will get installed in the following location typically -
Download and extract the Google App engine SDK
Extract to any directory and add it to your PATH as mentioned in the above link
Install IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition
Install the 15.x version. The latest version requires Java 8.
Setup IntelliJ IDEA for App engine
On this page, follow the instructions to Install the Cloud SDK and then Installing Cloud Tools for IntelliJ IDEA
Import the Faro Backend project into the IDE by browsing to the projects's pom.xml
When importing the project, on the page that asks about project SDK, be sure to mention the Java JDK.
Download and configure maven 3.1 or above
Extract to any directory
Set JAVA_HOME to the location of your JDK
export JAVA_HOME=/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.7.0_80.jdk/Contents/Home
Set Maven HOME and add maven to your PATH
export M2_HOME=/Users/granganathan/Development/apache-maven-3.3.9
You may build/run completely from IntelliJ as well, but make sure to specify the Maven home in intellij Open IntelliJ Preferences, under Build Tools->Maven, set the Maven home directory
mvn appengine:update -Dmaven.test.skip=true