Crypto Tracker App is a web application designed to track information about cryptocurrencies, providing a list of cryptocurrencies, detailed information about each, and a price chart for the selected currency.
Displaying a list of cryptocurrencies with essential information
Detailed information about each cryptocurrency, including current price, trading volume, market capitalization, and other metrics
Price chart for tracking the price changes in the selected currency
Interactive and intuitive navigation throughout the application
React: Used for building the user interface and managing components.
Redux Toolkit: Manages the state of the application and interacts with the CoinCap API.
TypeScript: Provides static typing, enhancing code readability and maintainability.
Sass: Preprocessor for CSS, allowing for organized and structured styling.
Charting Library (Chart.js): Used for creating the price change chart.
Clone the repository: git clone
Navigate to the project directory
Install dependencies: npm install
Run the application: npm start
You may need to create an account and obtain an API key from CoinCap, then add the key to the configuration file for API interaction.
Your contributions are welcome! If you have ideas for improving the project or have found a bug, please create a new issue or pull request.