This is for LuaJIT 2.x. This doesn't work in Lua5.1 but it will work with this source lua5.1 patch: or you can just use this with the patch already added:
Uses C debug hooks to allow pausing unsafe code in multiple coroutines.
NOTE: Be careful about what functions are passed to the environment of the unsafe lua code. It is possible that C functions can hang and lua cannot yield in the middle of a c function. For example, if the standard lua string funcs are exposed to the unsafe code running this in the unsafe code will cause a hang: "string.find(string.rep("a", 50), string.rep("a?", 50)..string.rep("a", 50))"
This is because Lua debug hooks cannot stop C from executing.
On Linux:
cmake .
cd IronBox
luajit test.lua
On Windows: Open cmake gui and configure and generate a VS project Open the project and set to release mode and build Run test.lua in luajit.
see here:
-- load library
local IronBox = require "IronBox"
local box = IronBox.create(function()
while true do
-- never exits
print("I don't finish :(")
-- run the box
box() -- box:resume() works too
-- ding! The box has surpassed the executing limit. Pausing the coroutine
-- continue the box
-- stops again
print("And it stops!")
You can have as many IronBox's as you want.
local box1 = IronBox.create("while true do end") -- initialize with a string
local box2 = IronBox.create(function() while true do end end)
-- they are started and resumed correctly without a c boundary error that would pop up if pure lua was used
You can initialize with a sandbox with specific environment. A default safe environment is used if this argument is empty. Also a custom error function can be specified as well.
local function error_hand(msg, box) -- "msg" holds the error. "box" is the ironbox that had the error.
print("There was an error!")
-- use default environment with custom error handler
-- error_hand is called: syntax error
local box1 = IronBox.create("while true do", nil, error_hand)
-- empty environment and default error handler (this just prints error to console)
-- print has not been exposed to this IronBox. But this box hasn't run yet so no error
local box2 = IronBox.create(function() print("test") end, {})
if box1 then -- IronBox.create returns nil if unsuccessful
print("box1 creation successful")
box2() -- error msg is sent to default error handler which prints error to console