Javascript 30 days challenge
- Day 1 : Creating a Drum Kit
- Day 2 : Creating a Clock
- Day 3 : CSS variables with JS
- Day 4 : Array cardio 1
- Day 5 : Flex Panel
- Day 6 : Ajax Type ahead
- Day 7 : Array cardio 2
- Day 8 : HTML5 canvas
- Day 9 : Dev Tools
- Day 10 : Hold Shift and check checkboxes
- Day 11 : Custom Video player
- Day 12 : Key sequence detection
- Day 13 : Slide in on scroll
- Day 14 : JS references VS Copying
- Day 15 : LocalStorage
- Day 16 : Mouse Move Shadow
- Day 17 : Sort without Articles
- Day 18 : Adding up times with Reduce
- Day 19 : Webcam fun ;)
- Day 20 : Speech detection
- Day 21 : Geolocation
- Day 22 : Follow along link highlighter
- Day 23 : Speech synthesis
- Day 24 : Sticky nav
- [] Day 25 : Event capture, propagation, bubbling and once
- [] Day 26 : Stripe follow along nav
- [] Day 27 : Click and Drag
- [] Day 28 : Video speed controller
- [] Day 29 : Countdown timer
- [] Day 30 : Whack a Mole
When you are pushing on a key from your keyboard, a sound is being played.
A clock is ticking time
When you are moving / selecting value, the image is modified according to.
Playing with methods into browser's console
Playing with div and CSS to get an interactive landing page
Using a JSON and JS to create a page on which a word searched gets suggestions while typing it on a text box
Playing with method's into browser's console (Redux method inside)
Dealing with console tips
Creating a list which is clickable
Dealing with all video players options
When a code is found "greg" a unicorn appears on screen
When scrolling, images appear / desappear depending on its window's position
Working with several ways to copy an array / object when we don't want a reference on it
An empty array is created. When adding an item, it is added to the array which persist even after browser refresh. Items can be checked / unchecked.
When moving mouse cursor, text shadow is dynamically changing
Looking to sort array's elements without articles (a, an, the) to get sorting relevant.
Webkit coded in french. When speaking the browser type the words down. Each pause in the speech is represented by a new paragraph
If user allow geolocation, fetch datas to get speed as well as direction
Highlight links when mouse overring
![screenshot] ()