This is an experimental tool to upload builds to Game Jolt from the command line.
It supports resuming an upload and creating builds/releases on the fly!
- Download from
- Run from cmd / terminal:
gjpush file
is the path to the build you want to upload
GJPush will prompt you for additionanl info it needs, but you can automate it by passing it in through options:
-t, --token=TOKEN Your service API authentication token
-g, --game=GAME-ID The game ID
-p, --package=PACKAGE The package ID
-r, --release=VERSION The release version to attach the build file to
-b, --browser Upload a browser build. By default uploads a desktop build.
Advanced Options:
--chunk-size=MB How big should the chunks the CLI uploads be. Defaults to 10.
Token is your "password" to the tool, and can be provided to the tool in 3 ways:
- The
parameter - An environment variable
- A global credentials file located in your home directory, in
The credentials file is a json containing a single keytoken
. Looks like{"token":"your token here"}
At the moment only testers are given a token, but when the tool is launched publicly, you can get one from your dashboard.
- The
The game ID and package ID are available in the url of the manage game package page, for example:
The release is semver, looks like 1.2.3
Once all required options are specified, the upload can happen in a single command:
Pushing version 2.0.1 as a desktop build for a game with ID 1 and package ID 2:
gjpush -t my-token -g 1 -p 2 -r 2.0.1 game.exe
To push a browser build, simply add the -b
gjpush -t my-token -g 1 -p 2 -r 2.0.1 -b
Awesome! Send me an email at with:
- A link to your profile
- A link to a game page