This is an Arduino Project that could read and playing more than one note simultaneously on buzzers (You can hook up whatever you want, like Tesla Coils, stepper motors, floppy drives or whatever can play frequencies). If you need more channels, simply add some other slave boards. Feel free to change & modify my code.
- Any arduino board (Uno and mega are recommended)
- Another arduino mega (If you are using the ToneLib)
- 6 Buzzers
- Resistors (Reduce the volume)
- Arduino midi library Make sure you have it installed on arduino IDE
- Tone.lib Install the Tone Library for multiple buzzers.
Notice that this program is using the I2C communication (For some reasons the tone library conflict with the Midi libaray).
- Wiring up your buzzers on pin 2,3,4,5,6,7 on Mega board.
- Connecting an I2C bridge between your Uno and Mega (Pin A5 to Pin 21, Pin A4 to Pin 20, connect all negatives together).
- Flash HIDUINO or mocuLUFA on to the board.
- Or useing DIN socket.
- Or even using loopMIDI and hairlessMIDI to make a Serial to MIDI communication. There are fully descriptions on some other websites.
- (I2C corrupted during sending midi file)
- (Devices run the same code for multiple times)
- All the code are latest uploaded and worked well