forked from Redolith/ReActions
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fromgate edited this page Jun 26, 2017
29 revisions
- Новый активатор: ENTITY_CLICK
- Новый активатор: FLIGHT
- Новый активатор: DROP
- Новый активатор: INVENTORY_CLICK
- Новый активатор: BLOCK_CLICK
- Новый активатор: BLOCK_BREAK
- Новый активатор: SNEAK
- Новое действие: ITEM_REMOVE_OFFHAND
- Новое действие: GLIDE
- Новое действие: PLAYER_ID
- Новое действие: FILE
- Новое действие: REGEX
- Новое действие: LOG
- Новое действие: ITEM_SLOT_VIEW
- Новое действие: IF_ELSE
- Новое действие: WALK_SPEED
- Новое действие: FLY_SPEED
- Повышена безопасность действия CMD_OP
- Добавлен плейсхолдер
, который предотвращает замену вложенных плейсхолдеров - Добавлены плейсхолдеры для FLAG_SET
- Добавлена поддержка PlaceholderAPI
- Действие EXEC теперь запоминание временные параметры и передает их активатору EXEC
- Оптимизация кода, исправление ошибок
- Плагин обновлен для совместимости с spigot/bukkit 1.12
- Плагин теперь компилируется с использованием Java 8
- Исправлен ряд небольших ошибок
- Плагин обновлен для совместимости с bukkit/spigot 1.10 / 1.9. Тестировался на версиях: 1.10.2, 1.9.4, 1.8.9, но я думаю, что будет работать и с версиями 1.7.х и 1.5.2.
- Обновлён в соответствии с изменениями в API RacesAndClasses v1.2.1,Craftconomy v3.3, PlayEffect v0.5.3
- Исправления ошибок, оптимизация кода
- Добавлен активатор ITEM_CONSUME, срабатывающий при поглощении (поедании, выпивании) предмета.
- Добавлено действие ITEM_SLOT, позволяющее разместить предмет в указанном слоте инвентаря
- Оптимизация кода, исправление выявленных ошибок.
- Добавлен новый активатор QUIT. Этот активатор выполняется когда игрок покидает серверы.
- Исправлено несколько ошибок.
- Добавлено действие WAIT, которое позволяет вносить ожидание перед выполнение последующих действий в активаторе.
- Действия ACTION_DELAYED и WAIT не "пропадают" если игрок ушёл с сервера (или сервер был перезагружен).
- Оптимизация кода, исправление выявленных ошибок.
- Добавлен активатор MOB_DAMAGE
- Теперь все сообщения (включая сообщения от действия MESSAGE) ограничены 55 символами (в связи с выявлением бага в майнкрафте связанного с различием длины строк с использованием unicode-шрифта). Это значение меняется в файле config.yml
- Селектор игроков теперь поддерживает дополнительные параметры: loc, radius.
- Дествие MESSAGE теперь поддерживает дополнительный параметр "hide" - для того чтобы отображать "надоедливые", повторяющиеся сообщения реже.
- Активаторы PVP_DEATH и PVP_RESPAWN модифицированы и переименованы в PLAYER_DEATH и PLAYER_RESPAWN. Новый активатор поддерживает различные причины смерти: PVE (игрок убит мобом), PVP (игрок убит другим игроком) и OTHER (другие причины).
- Новая команда
/exec <ИмяАктиватора> [player:<СписокИгроков>] [delay:<Время>]
. Эта команда - это краткая альтернатива для команды /react run. - Оптимизация кода, исправление выявленных ошибок.
- Новый формат описания предметов. Старый частично поддерживается. Но скорее всего Вам придётся обновить в ваших активаторах всё что связано с предметами.
- Новый активатор MOB_KILL
- Библиотека для WorldGuard 5.x теперь встроена в плагин. Теперь нет нужды в использовании дополнительной библиотеки. Пожалуйста удалите папку ReActions/lib/
- Новое действие ITEM_UNWEAR (снять предмет брони)
- Все флаги и действия, связанные с переменными и задержками, теперь поддерживают параметр "player". Можно обращаться к переменным (задержкам) любых игроков.
- Флаги DELAY и DELAY_PLAYER теперь могут обновлять значения задержек. Т.е. в большинстве случаев можно будет не использовать действия DELAY и DELAY_PLAYER.
- Активатор COMMAND теперь поддерживает регулярные выражения и создает новые временные плейсхолдеры.
- Команды создаваемые активатором COMMAND теперь поддерживают автозаполнение по кнопке "tab".
- Активатор SIGN теперь поддерживает цветной текст на табличках.
- Более простой способ создания активатора SIGN. Теперь можно направить прицел на табличку с текстом и написать команду: /react add SIGN .
- Действия DAMAGE и HEAL теперь поддерживают параметр "игрок". Можно бить и лечить любых игроков.
- Действие SOUND поддерживает координаты (параметр "loc") точки в которой будет проигрываться звук.
- Активатор MOB_CLICK теперь использует новый формат описания мобов. Старый формат также поддерживается.
- Функции связанные с плагином Factions теперь совместимы с новыми версиями Factions.
- Пустые секции флагов, действий, реакций теперь не сохраняются в файлах активаторов. Можно включить старый способ сохранения в файле конфигурации (config.yml)
- Добавлено множество временных плейсхолдеров (создаваемых активаторами, действиями, флагами)
- Теперь меню (на основе инвентарей) совместимо с craftbukkit 1.5.2.
- Идентификаторы переменных и задержек теперь регистронезависимы.
- Исправлена ошибка. Вместо флага ITEM отрабатывал проверка флага ITEM_INVENTORY
- ReActions is now compatible with WorldGuard 6.x. Built-in WG module is not compatible with older WorldGuard 5.x version. But if you using WG5.x you may use additional module wgbridge5x.jar located in lib folder included into provided zip-file. Just copy this lib folder in to directory /ReActions/ and you'll get a WorldGuard 5.x compatibility.
- Now all WG-regions (all activators, flags and actions) supports world names. Record . points to region named that located in world . You can skip the world name if your region located in default (main) world. Note: after updating you need to add world names to all of your regions that not located in you main world
- SIGN activator now supported left-clicking too. It allows to define parameter click:<LEFT | RIGHT | ANY> and provide new temporary placeholder %click% that returns "left" or "right" values according to clicked mouse button.
- Added some temporary placeholders
- Added activator MESSAGE. This activator is executing when provided message is found in provided source: ALL (any source), CHAT_INPUT (player chat input), CONSOLE_INPUT (message in server console), CHAT_OUTPUT (message displayed in chat, plugin messages supported too), LOG_OUTPUT (message in server log). You can use some method to determine message: EQUALS (messages must be equal), CONTAINS (find substring in message), START (source message must starts with provided substring), END (source message must ends with provided substring), REGEX (using regex to match strings). This activator is a logical extension of my plugins MessageFilter and MessageCommander.
- Added activator VARIABLE. This activator is executing when provided variable changing it's value. Parameters: id: personal:<false/true>. Local variables provided by this activator: %var_id%, %var_old%, %var_new%
- Fixed issue:attempt to create item-menu inside another menu caused NPE.
- Added new Activator FCT_CREATE. This activator is bound to faction creating event. To add this activator use command: /react add FCT_CREATE . You can use local placeholder %faction% in this activator to find name of the created faction.
- Added new Activator FCT_DISBAND. This activator is bound to faction disbanding event. To add this activator use command: /react add FCT_DISBAND . You can use local placeholder %faction% in this activator to find name of the disbanded faction.
- Add new action — MENU_ITEM. This actions will show inventory-menu (GUI). You can define menu in action or use pre-stored menu.
- Added Inventory-menu engine.
- Added new commands related to inventory menus
- BLOCK_FILL action. Required to fill area defined by region name (or two point) with provided block. You can use chance parameters to define chance of placing block inside the area. Parameters: region: / loc1: loc2:, block:BlockType:Data chance:<Chance,%>
- Added expression calculator placeholder CALC. For example %CALC:1+2% will be replaced with "3". You can use variables inside this placeholder: %CALC:1+x+z%.
- SIGN_SET_LINE action is now skip signs located in unloaded chunks.
- TIME_SERVER placeholder now can use additional parameter for format. For exampler %TIME_SERVER:HH:mm:ss% will show only hours-minutes-seconds (For example, 10:59:44)
- Numerical variables are now not integer only.
- Remove limitation of maximum time that could be point using Time format.
- Fixed some bugs in faction related activators
- New activator SIGN. This activator is subscribed to any sign, that contains defined text. You can use single multiple lines to define the sign. Parameters: line1:, line2:, line3:, line4:.
- New action SIGN_SET_LINE Allows to set text or clear in signs. Parameters: loc: — sing coordinates. line1:, line2:, line3:, line4: — lines to change clear:<1,2,3,4> — lines to clear
- New action SQL_DELETE. Executes "DELETE" query. Parameters - SQL-query
- New action ACTION_DELAYED - execute any other action after delay. Parameters: time: action:{ActionAndParameters}
- Activator COMMAND now provides temporary placeholders arg0, arg1.... argN, that contains value of arguments typed at command line
- Flag WEATHER now could determine all weather conditions: rain, thunder и clear
- Totally recoded location parser. Now any action or flag that contains "loc" parameter supports advanced syntax
- Lore (in items created by ReActions) not supports colors
- New parameter codepage added into config.yml at the MySQL section.
- Some bug fixed
- Added lore support for items. Now you can use symbol "@" in item name to divide line of lore (for example: ITEM_GIVE Super_sword@This_is_the@Super_sword$IRON_SWORD). Lore is not count in item compare, so you still need to use unique name to define unique items.
- Fixed bug with spawning mob with modified max health.
- Placeholders engine optimization. Now it's more effective. Some placeholders supports aliases
- New placeholder RANDOM (or rnd). It returns random value: %rnd:100% - will return number from 0 till 99, %rnd:5-10% will randomly return number from 5 till 10 and %random:word1,word2,word3% will return on this three words
- New command: /rea help placeholder [page number] - show list of available placeholders
- Fixed compatibility issues provided by latest versions of bukkit API. Now ReActions is compatible with: 1.5.x, 1.6.x, 1.7.x (Possibly it works with 1.4.x, but I did not test it)
- Now all parameters supports braces — "{" and "}" to determine parameter values that contains text. For example, player:John Lennon will point to player John, but player:{John Lennon} will point to John Lennon.
- Added MySQL support!
- New flag SQL_CHECK. Compares result of SQL-query with provided value. Parameters: query:{SELECT...} value: column:
- New flag SQL_RESULT. Checks if result of SQL-query returning any data. If result is empty flag will return false. Parameter: query: {SELECT...}
- New action SQL_SELECT. Executes SQL-query and store value of field located in first row (and defined column) in variable. Parameters: query:{SELECT... } variable: player: column:
- New action SQL_UPDATE. Executes update-query (update field of table at MySQL database) Parameter: query:{UPDATE... }
- New action SQL_INSERT. Executes insert-query (insert new row in table at MySQL database) Parameter: query:{INSERT... }
- Added Factions plugin support!
- Activator FACTION (Parameters:
oldfaction:<previous faction of player> newfaction:<new faction of player>
) This activator initiates when player's faction is change (player moves from one faction to another). You can use faction's name in parameter, and use "default" keyword to point the default faction (usually - wilderness) - Activator FACTION_RELATION (Parameters: activator: faction1: faction2: newrelation: oldrelation:). This activator executes provided EXEC-activator when relationship between two factions is changed.
- Flag FACTION (Parameter - faction's name). Checks is player is member of faction.
- For all players selectors (in MESSAGE and EXECUTE actions and
/react run
command) add a new selector: faction:. This parameters will point to all players in defined faction. - Bug-fix: /react copy command did not saves changes to file.
- Now all VAR_* did not requires a player to execute (could be used in exec-activator launched from the server console)
- Added Craftconomy3 support (If Craftconomy plugin is installed it will be accessed directly, without using Vault features.
- All MONEY actions and flags now supports parameters:
amount:<amount>, world:<world name>
(if you use different accounts in different worlds) currency: (Only for Craftconomy3). You can forget about "currency" and "world" parameter if you going to use default currency and default world. Old syntax is supported too, so your activators will keep working :) - New flag MONEY syntax.
MONEY amount:<amount> account:<player/account name> currency:<currency name>
- Action
MONEY_GIVE target:<target account> [source:<account to withdraw>] amount:<amount> currency:<currency name> world:<world name>
- Action
MONEY_PAY source:<source account>[target:<account to credit>] amount:<amount> currency:<currency name> world:<world name>
- New commands added.
/react var list [page num] [mask], /react set var id:<variable id> [player:<player name>] value:<value>, /react remove var id:<variable id> [player:<player name>]
- Now you can use commands:
/react help activator
,/react help action
,/react help flag
to get list of available activators, actions and flags; - Fixed bug with ITEM_REMOVE_INVENTORY actions;
- Fixed parsing error with locations.
- New feature: Variables. You can save string, boolean and numerical values to veriables (global and persnal veriables supported) and use it later in any activator.
- New action: VAR_SET — Create global variable. Parameters: id: value:
- New action: VAR_PLAYER_SET — Create personal variable. Parameters: id: value:
- New action: VAR_CLEAR — Remove global varibale. Parameter: id:
- New action: VAR_PLAYER_CLEAR — Remove personal varibale. Parameter: id:
- New action: VAR_INC — Increase global variable value. Parameters: id: value:
- New action: VAR_PLAYER_INC — Increase personal variable value. Parameters: id: value:
- New action: VAR_DEC — Decrease global variable value. Parameters: id: value:");
- New action: VAR_PLAYER_DEC — Decrease personal variable value. Parameters: id: value:
- New flag: VAR_EXIST — checks existance of global variable.Parameter: ");
- New flag: VAR_PLAYER_EXIST — checks existance of personal variable. Parameter: ");
- New flag: VAR_COMPARE — compares global variable with value. Parameters: id: value:");
- New flag: VAR_PLAYER_COMPARE — compares personal variable with value. Parameters: id: value:");
- New flag: VAR_GREATER — checks is global variable greater than given value. Parameters: id: value:");
- New flag: VAR_PLAYER_GREATER — checks is personal variable greater than given value. Parameters: id: value:");
- New flag: VAR_LOWER — checks is global variable lower than given value. Parameters: id: value:");
- New flag: VAR_PLAYER_LOWER — checks is personal variable lower than given value. Parameters: id: value:");
- New feature: Timers. You create a scheduled actions to execute EXEC-activator. Two types of timers could be used to create timer based on in-game time. And timers based on real (server time).
- New command: /react add timer activator: time:HH:MM,HH:MM|0_0/5_*_*_*_? [player:] [world:]
- New command: /react list timer [page]
- New command: /react remove timer
- New action:TIMER_STOP — Stops execution of timer. Parameter: timer:
- New action:TIMER_RESUME — Resumes execution of stopped timer. Parameter: timer:
- New flag: TIMER_ACTIVE — checks activity state of defined timer. Returns false if timer is paused. Parameter: "
- New activator: ITEM_WEAR. This activator is linked to defined item and executing every three seconds while player wears an item. /react add item_wear <item (name supported)>
- New action: SHOOT — shoot (without projectile) in player view direction. Parameters: distance: singlehit:<true/false> damage:
- New action: EXECUTE_STOP — stops execution of delayed EXEC-activator. Parameters: player: activator:
- New action: EXECUTE_UNSTOP — resumes execution of stopped activator. Parameters: activator: player:
- New flag: EXECUTE_STOP — checks stopping-state of delayed EXEC activator. Parameter:
- New action: RNC_SET_RACE — Set player's race (RacesAndClasses plugin required). Parameter: race:
- New action: RNC_SET_CLASS — Set player's class (RacesAndClasses plugin required). Parameter: class:
- New flag: RNC_RACE — checks player's race (RacesAndClasses plugin). Parameter:
- New flag: RNC_CLASS — checks player's class (Requires RacesAndClasses plugin). Parameter:
- New flag: WEATHER — checks weather state around player. Parameter: <rain/clear>
- Fixed bugs (founded at v0.5.0 and 0.5.1): REGION activator executing only when player is moving inside; delay flags freezes after reload command.
- New activator ITEM_CLICK. Parameter: item. This activator executes when you right-clicking with this item in hand.
- New activator ITEM_HOLD. Parameter: item. This activator executes when you take item in hand and every 2 seconds while it in your hand.
- New action POWER_SET loc: power:<on/off/toggle> - change power state of levers and door blocks located in defined location.
- New action EXECUTE_STOP player: activator: - stops defined activator. Only applicable to delayed EXEC-activators.
- New action EXECUTE_UNSTOP player: activator: - resume execution of defined activator. Only applicable to delayed EXEC-activators.
- New flag REGION_MEMBER (parameter - region name) returns true if player is a member or owner of the region
- New flag REGION_OWNER (parameter - region name) returns true if player is a owner of the region
- New flag EXECUTE_STOP (parameter - activator id) returns true if defined EXEC-activator is stopped
- New flag FLAG_SET (parameter - set of flags, except FLAG_SET: flag1:value1 flag2:value2). This flag is return true if one of the all flags in set returns true. This flag is implementing logical OR operation.
- New command
/react set delay player:<player> delay:<Время> id:<id>
— sets the delay value that could be checked with DELAY and DELAY_PLAYER flags - New command
/react list delay [page]
— shows list of active delays
- Activators renamed. Your activator files will automatically updated after restarting plugin. But I'm strongly recommend you to backup all ReActions files before update.
- New activators: PVP_DEATH and PVP_RESPAWN. PVP_DEATH is initiating when player was killed by another player. PVP_RESPAWN is initiating when player respawning after he was killed by another player.
- New activators: MOBCLICK is executing when player right-clicking mob. You can define mob type (name supported too) for this activators. For example: /react add mobclick &6Super_Cow$COW
- New activator: JOIN this activator executing when player joins a server. If you setup this activator with additional parameter "FIRST" this activator will execute only for players that did not played on server before.
- Activator EXEC and actions EXECUTE optimized. Now command line executing (/react run) and EXECUTE action use same parameters: activator: delay:<Время> region: player:
- New action: BLOCK_SET. Placing a block at defined location. Parameters: block: loc:
- Added new parameters to action MOB_SPAWN: run: and rundelay:<Время>. If you define this parameters will be executed when any player (and only player) kill this mob.
- New flag: BIOME. Returns true if player is located in defined biome.
- New flag: DIRECTION. Returns true if player direction is equal to define one (NORTH, NORTHEAST, NORTHWEST, SOUTH, SOUTHEAST, SOUTHWEST, EAST, WEST)
- New flag: LIGHT_LEVEL. Return true if light level in player locations is hight than defined.
- New flag: WALK_BLOCK. Return true if player is walking/standing at defined block.
- Flag STATE was extended with additional possible values: VEHICLE_MINECART, VEHICLE_BOAT, VEHICLE_PIG, VEHICLE_HORSE.
- All items checks now support items name. So IRON_SWORD and IRON_SWORD called "Super sword" now is different items.
- New flag WORLD (Parameter: world name). Returns true if player located at defined world.
- New action
BLOCK_SET block:<id>[:data] loc:<location>
. Sets the block at defined location. - Fixed little bug: flag group was not worked correctly.
- Now you can use placeholder in actions (reactions) definition too. Supported placeholder: %here% — player locations, %head% — player head locations, %view% — viewpoint, %selection% — location selected using /rea select command
- Possibly removed NPE-error while teleporting player at MCPC+ servers
- New activator added PVPKILL. This activator is activating when one player is killing other. All flags and actions will bound to the "killer" player
- New activator added PVPDEATH. This activator is activating after respawn of dead player if he was murdered by other. All flags and actions will bound to the "deadplayer" player. After executing of this activator you can use
- New activator LEVERL. This activator is linking to a lever block and executing when player triggers the lever. To create activator you need to type: /react add lever [ON/OFF/ANY]. If you define lever state (on/off)placeholder %deathpoint%. For example you can teleport player to his death location using action tp loc:%deathpoint%. activator will be executed only if lever is going to be enabled (ON) or disabled (OFF).
- New activator DOOR This activators could be linked to any kind of doors (wooden door, fence gates and trap doors). This activator still supports door state (open/close) To create activator type: /react add door [OPEN/CLOSE/ANY]
- New action HEAL. Parameters:
hp:<hp amount> hearts:<true/false>
- New action ITEM_DROP. Parameters:
(if skipped - will use player locations) radius: land:<true/false> scatter:<true/false> (drop in single location or every item drop randomly) item: - Action MESSAGE (alias msg) now supports parameters:
region:<region name>, world:<world name>, group:<group name>, perm:<permission>
. This feature allows to send message only to player that located at region, world or is a member of group, or has defined permission. You can combine this parameters. Example: MESSAGE region:region1 group:admin &6This message will see only admins and players in region called region1 - Now flags ITEM and ITEM_INVENTORY (invitem) supports item's name. For example flag item = &6Super_sword$IRON_SWORD will return true value only if player holds iron sword and it's name is gold-color "Super sword".
- New flag
GAMEMODE <survival/creative/adventure>
— this flag checks current player game mode - New flag
FOODLEVEL <food level>
— this flag returns true if player's food lever is equal or greater than parameter value - New flag
XP <xp>
— this flag returns true if player's total experience is equal or greater than parameter value - New flag
LEVEL <level>
— this flag returns true if player's experience level is equal or greater than parameter value - New flag
POWER <llocation>
. This flag returns true if block placed in locations is powered by redstone power. - New command
/rea select
. This command select location in your view point. After selection location you can use it while adding any flag or actions - just type placeholder %selection% (or %sel%). For example: /rea add flag POWER %selection% - All flags and actions are renamed. But old names will supported too (you can use it as aliases)
- Changed placeholders to use while adding actions and flags. Now supported: %here% — player locations, %head% — player head locations, %view% — viewpoint, %selection% — location selected using /rea select command
- Code optimization. I think it will more easy to add new activators, flag and actions in future.
- Updated to new CurseAPI update-checker.
- Action moneygive now supports ranges. For example moneygive 100-200 will grant player with random amount of money between 100 and 200.
- Change advanced item syntax. Now you can define item using this template: item_name$id:dataamount@enchant:level,color;item_name$id:dataamount%chance/id:dataamount@enchant:level,color;id:dataamount%chance New format allows you to define some group of item sets (random group will selected) with define name of item and enchantments. Old format to define a single item is supported too. For example: STONE;DIRT2%10/IRON_AXE2@DAMAGE_ALL:2;&6Axe_of_fromgate$IRON_AXE@KNOCKBACK,DAMAGE_ALL:3%80 this string will "converted" to set of stone and two dirts (chance 10%) or set of two iron axe with damage all enchantment and one sword called "Axe of fromgate" with knockback and damage all (level 3) enchanments (chance 90%).
- Action itemgive now supports advanced item format.
- New activator type - command. This activator is initiates when player typed a defined command. To create this activator use command: /react add command . You can use this activator to add additional features for commands. For example you can player smoke effect when player types /help command, or remove some amount of money when player types /spawn command. You can use activator even you need to add totally new command. Just create activator and define actions for it.
- New activator type - exec. This activator is not bounded to anything like button or regions. But it could be executed by command /react run [playername] [delay] and... by other activator
- New action type - run (/react add a run exec: delay:<Время> rgplayer:. This action could run an exec-activator. You can execute any number of activator from one and use all possible delays. If rgplayer parameter is defined will be executed for every player that located in
- Every actions and flags that use time now use advanced format for time.
- New flag -
region (region <region name>)
. This flag returns true when player is in defined region. - New flag -
pose (pose <stand/sneak/sprint>)
. This flag checks current pose of player. For example pose sprint will return true only if player is sprinting. - New flag -
rgplayer (rgplaer <region>/<count>)
. This flag returns true when amount of players in<region>
is equal (or more) than . - New format for item parameters. Now you can define color for leather armor and enchantments for items:
. Here amount could be defined as a range of values. For example STONE:5-10 will represent a random values (more than 5 but lesser than 10) of stone blocks. - New parameter added to action mob - equip. This parameter is alternative for parameters helm, chest, leg, boot and weapon. Now you can use: equip:;;;; to define equipment of Zombies and Skeletons.
- New parameter added to action "mob" - dmg. This is a multiplier for damage value of spawned mob. For example if spawned mob is dealing a 5 damage multiplier 2 will increase damage value to 10, multiplier 0.2 will decrease damage value to 1.
- New format for action's parameters. Old formats are supported too, but new format allows to use more abilities. For example using new format of tp actions you can additionally play an effect at teleporting location and define random location around the predefined.
- Added new action effects. This action is playing any basic visual effects in defined location: smoke, ender signal (ender), mob spawner flames (flame), bottle of potion breaking (potion).
- Added new action mob. This action is spawning a mob at defined location (you can additionally specify: name, number of mobs, health (works only with CB1.6.2), equipment (for zombies and skeletons)
- Added new action velocity. This actions is sets player's velocity.
- Debug mode is fixed.
- Releasing my awesome plugin!
- Команды и пермишены
- Активаторы
- Кастомные команды
- Флаги
- Действия
- Таймеры
- Меню
- Форматы данных
- Конфигурация