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Re-structure module more logically in prepation for accessors
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rhugonnet committed Nov 14, 2024
1 parent b98f716 commit d9a92f2
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Showing 35 changed files with 3,868 additions and 3,382 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion geoutils/
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from geoutils import examples, projtools, raster, vector # noqa
from geoutils._config import config # noqa
from geoutils.raster import Mask, Raster, SatelliteImage # noqa
from geoutils.vector import Vector # noqa
from geoutils.vector.vector import Vector # noqa

from geoutils._version import __version__ as __version__ # noqa
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5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions geoutils/interface/
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@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
from geoutils.interface.raster_point import * # noqa
from geoutils.interface.raster_vector import * # noqa
from geoutils.interface.gridding import * # noqa
from geoutils.interface.interpolate import * # noqa
from geoutils.interface.distance import * # noqa
86 changes: 86 additions & 0 deletions geoutils/interface/
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@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
"""Functionalities related to distance operations."""
from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Literal
import warnings

import numpy as np
import geopandas as gpd
from scipy.ndimage import distance_transform_edt

import geoutils as gu
from geoutils._typing import NDArrayNum

def _proximity_from_vector_or_raster(
raster: gu.Raster,
vector: gu.Vector | None = None,
target_values: list[float] | None = None,
geometry_type: str = "boundary",
in_or_out: Literal["in"] | Literal["out"] | Literal["both"] = "both",
distance_unit: Literal["pixel"] | Literal["georeferenced"] = "georeferenced",
) -> NDArrayNum:
(This function is defined here as mostly raster-based, but used in a class method for both Raster and Vector)
Proximity to a Raster's target values if no Vector is provided, otherwise to a Vector's geometry type
rasterized on the Raster.
:param raster: Raster to burn the proximity grid on.
:param vector: Vector for which to compute the proximity to geometry,
if not provided computed on the Raster target pixels.
:param target_values: (Only with a Raster) List of target values to use for the proximity,
defaults to all non-zero values.
:param geometry_type: (Only with a Vector) Type of geometry to use for the proximity, defaults to 'boundary'.
:param in_or_out: (Only with a Vector) Compute proximity only 'in' or 'out'-side the geometry, or 'both'.
:param distance_unit: Distance unit, either 'georeferenced' or 'pixel'.

# 1/ First, if there is a vector input, we rasterize the geometry type
# (works with .boundary that is a LineString (.exterior exists, but is a LinearRing)
if vector is not None:

# TODO: Only when using centroid... Maybe we should leave this operation to the user anyway?
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message="Geometry is in a geographic CRS.*")

# We create a geodataframe with the geometry type
boundary_shp = gpd.GeoDataFrame(geometry=vector.ds.__getattr__(geometry_type),
# We mask the pixels that make up the geometry type
mask_boundary = gu.Vector(boundary_shp).create_mask(raster, as_array=True)

# We mask target pixels
if target_values is not None:
mask_boundary = np.logical_or.reduce([raster.get_nanarray() == target_val for target_val in target_values])
# Otherwise, all non-zero values are considered targets
mask_boundary = raster.get_nanarray().astype(bool)

# 2/ Now, we compute the distance matrix relative to the masked geometry type
if distance_unit.lower() == "georeferenced":
sampling: int | tuple[float | int, float | int] = raster.res
elif distance_unit.lower() == "pixel":
sampling = 1
raise ValueError('Distance unit must be either "georeferenced" or "pixel".')

# If not all pixels are targets, then we compute the distance
non_targets = np.count_nonzero(mask_boundary)
if non_targets > 0:
proximity = distance_transform_edt(~mask_boundary, sampling=sampling)
# Otherwise, pass an array full of nodata
proximity = np.ones(np.shape(mask_boundary)) * np.nan

# 3/ If there was a vector input, apply the in_and_out argument to optionally mask inside/outside
if vector is not None:
if in_or_out == "both":
elif in_or_out in ["in", "out"]:
mask_polygon = gu.Vector(vector.ds).create_mask(raster, as_array=True)
if in_or_out == "in":
proximity[~mask_polygon] = 0
proximity[mask_polygon] = 0
raise ValueError('The type of proximity must be one of "in", "out" or "both".')

return proximity
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion geoutils/ → geoutils/interface/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
"""Module for point cloud manipulation."""
"""Functionalities for gridding points (point cloud to raster)."""

import warnings
from typing import Literal
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@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
"""Functionalities for interpolating a regular grid at points (raster to point cloud)."""
from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Any, Callable, Literal, overload
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238 changes: 238 additions & 0 deletions geoutils/interface/
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@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
"""Functionalities at the interface of rasters and point clouds."""
from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Literal, Iterable

import numpy as np
import geopandas as gpd
import rasterio as rio

import geoutils as gu
from geoutils._typing import NDArrayNum
from geoutils.raster.georeferencing import _default_nodata, _xy2ij
from geoutils.raster.array import _get_mask_from_array
from geoutils.raster.sampling import subsample_array

def _regular_pointcloud_to_raster(
pointcloud: gpd.GeoDataFrame,
grid_coords: tuple[NDArrayNum, NDArrayNum] = None,
transform: rio.transform.Affine = None,
shape: tuple[int, int] = None,
nodata: int | float | None = None,
data_column_name: str = "b1",
area_or_point: Literal["Area", "Point"] = "Point",
Convert a regular point cloud to a raster. See Raster.from_pointcloud_regular() for details.

# Get transform and shape from input
if grid_coords is not None:

# Input checks
if (
not isinstance(grid_coords, tuple)
or not (isinstance(grid_coords[0], np.ndarray) and grid_coords[0].ndim == 1)
or not (isinstance(grid_coords[1], np.ndarray) and grid_coords[1].ndim == 1)
raise TypeError("Input grid coordinates must be 1D arrays.")

diff_x = np.diff(grid_coords[0])
diff_y = np.diff(grid_coords[1])

if not all(diff_x == diff_x[0]) and all(diff_y == diff_y[0]):
raise ValueError("Grid coordinates must be regular (equally spaced, independently along X and Y).")

# Build transform from min X, max Y and step in both
out_transform = rio.transform.from_origin(
np.min(grid_coords[0]), np.max(grid_coords[1]), diff_x[0], diff_y[0]
# Y is first axis, X is second axis
out_shape = (len(grid_coords[1]), len(grid_coords[0]))

elif transform is not None and shape is not None:

out_transform = transform
out_shape = shape

raise ValueError("Either grid coordinates or both geotransform and shape must be provided.")

# Create raster from inputs, with placeholder data for now
dtype = pointcloud[data_column_name].dtype
out_nodata = nodata if not None else _default_nodata(dtype)
arr = np.ones(out_shape, dtype=dtype)

# Get indexes of point cloud coordinates in the raster, forcing no shift
i, j = _xy2ij(x=pointcloud.geometry.x.values, y=pointcloud.geometry.y.values, shift_area_or_point=False,
transform=out_transform, area_or_point=area_or_point)

# If coordinates are not integer type (forced in xy2ij), then some points are not falling on exact coordinates
if not np.issubdtype(i.dtype, np.integer) or not np.issubdtype(i.dtype, np.integer):
raise ValueError("Some point cloud coordinates differ from the grid coordinates.")

# Set values
mask = np.ones(np.shape(arr), dtype=bool)
mask[i, j] = False
arr[i, j] = pointcloud[data_column_name].values

# Set output values
raster_arr =, mask=mask)

return raster_arr, out_transform,, out_nodata, area_or_point

def _raster_to_pointcloud(
source_raster: gu.Raster,
data_column_name: str,
data_band: int,
auxiliary_data_bands: list[int] | None,
auxiliary_column_names: list[str] | None,
subsample: float | int,
skip_nodata: bool,
as_array: bool,
random_state: int | np.random.Generator | None,
force_pixel_offset: Literal["center", "ul", "ur", "ll", "lr"],
) -> NDArrayNum | gu.Vector:
Convert a raster to a point cloud. See Raster.to_pointcloud() for details.

# Input checks

# Main data column checks
if not isinstance(data_column_name, str):
raise ValueError("Data column name must be a string.")
if not (isinstance(data_band, int) and data_band >= 1 and data_band <= source_raster.count):
raise ValueError(
f"Data band number must be an integer between 1 and the total number of bands ({source_raster.count})."

# Rename data column if a different band is selected but the name is still default
if data_band != 1 and data_column_name == "b1":
data_column_name = "b" + str(data_band)

# Auxiliary data columns checks
if auxiliary_column_names is not None and auxiliary_data_bands is None:
raise ValueError("Passing auxiliary column names requires passing auxiliary data band numbers as well.")
if auxiliary_data_bands is not None:
if not (
isinstance(auxiliary_data_bands, Iterable) and all(isinstance(b, int) for b in auxiliary_data_bands)
raise ValueError("Auxiliary data band number must be an iterable containing only integers.")
if any((1 > b or source_raster.count < b) for b in auxiliary_data_bands):
raise ValueError(
f"Auxiliary data band numbers must be between 1 and the total number of bands ({source_raster.count})."
if data_band in auxiliary_data_bands:
raise ValueError(
f"Main data band {data_band} should not be listed in auxiliary data bands {auxiliary_data_bands}."

# Ensure auxiliary column name is defined if auxiliary data bands is not None
if auxiliary_column_names is not None:
if not (
isinstance(auxiliary_column_names, Iterable)
and all(isinstance(b, str) for b in auxiliary_column_names)
raise ValueError("Auxiliary column names must be an iterable containing only strings.")
if not len(auxiliary_column_names) == len(auxiliary_data_bands):
raise ValueError(
f"Length of auxiliary column name and data band numbers should be the same, "
f"found {len(auxiliary_column_names)} and {len(auxiliary_data_bands)} respectively."

auxiliary_column_names = [f"b{i}" for i in auxiliary_data_bands]

# Define bigger list with all bands and names
all_bands = [data_band] + auxiliary_data_bands
all_column_names = [data_column_name] + auxiliary_column_names

all_bands = [data_band]
all_column_names = [data_column_name]

# If subsample is the entire array, load it to optimize speed
if subsample == 1 and not source_raster.is_loaded:

# Band indexes in the array are band number minus one
all_indexes = [b - 1 for b in all_bands]

# We do 2D subsampling on the data band only, regardless of valid masks on other bands
if skip_nodata:
if source_raster.is_loaded:
if source_raster.count == 1:
self_mask = _get_mask_from_array(
) # This is to avoid the case where the mask is just "False"
self_mask = _get_mask_from_array([data_band - 1, :, :]
) # This is to avoid the case where the mask is just "False"
valid_mask = ~self_mask

# Load only mask of valid data from disk if array not loaded
valid_mask = ~source_raster._load_only_mask(bands=data_band)
# If we are not skipping nodata values, valid mask is everywhere
if source_raster.count == 1:
valid_mask = np.ones(, dtype=bool)
valid_mask = np.ones([0, :].shape, dtype=bool)

# Get subsample on valid mask
# Build a low memory boolean masked array with invalid values masked to pass to subsampling
ma_valid =, dtype=bool), mask=~valid_mask)
# Take a subsample within the valid values
indices = subsample_array(array=ma_valid, subsample=subsample, random_state=random_state, return_indices=True)

# If the Raster is loaded, pick from the data while ignoring the mask
if source_raster.is_loaded:
if source_raster.count == 1:
pixel_data =[indices[0], indices[1]]
# TODO: Combining both indexes at once could reduce memory usage?
pixel_data =[all_indexes, :][:, indices[0], indices[1]]

# Otherwise use rasterio.sample to load only requested pixels
# Extract the coordinates at subsampled pixels with valid data
# To extract data, we always use "upper left" which rasterio interprets as the exact raster coordinates
# Further below we redefine output coordinates based on point interpretation
x_coords, y_coords = (np.array(a) for a in source_raster.ij2xy(indices[0], indices[1], force_offset="ul"))

with as raster:
# Rasterio uses indexes (starts at 1)
pixel_data = np.array(list(raster.sample(zip(x_coords, y_coords), indexes=all_bands))).T

# At this point there should not be any nodata anymore, so we can transform everything to normal array
pixel_data =

# If nodata values were not skipped, convert them to NaNs and change data type
if skip_nodata is False:
pixel_data = pixel_data.astype("float32")
pixel_data[pixel_data == source_raster.nodata] = np.nan

# Now we force the coordinates we define for the point cloud, according to pixel interpretation
x_coords_2, y_coords_2 = (
np.array(a) for a in source_raster.ij2xy(indices[0], indices[1], force_offset=force_pixel_offset)

if not as_array:
points = gu.Vector(
geometry=gpd.points_from_xy(x_coords_2, y_coords_2),,
return points
# Merge the coordinates and pixel data an array of N x K
# This has the downside of converting all the data to the same data type
points_arr = np.vstack((x_coords_2.reshape(1, -1), y_coords_2.reshape(1, -1), pixel_data)).T
return points_arr

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