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:so/::/oyyhds:::-+yhhddy/-:ss+:` PJON-piper
/s/:::-:/++:----::/oyyo/:----:-:` little commandline client for the PJON™ bus
:+/:::::::::::::://+oo+/:::----:- -------------------------------------------
`oo+////:///::::////++++//::::::/` unnamed pipes are the user interface
ooo++++++/+////////////////::::/: PJON™ bus is accessed over a serial port
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.................... dhyhddddo ............ ++yy .. /odddmdd ........................................................................
....................... ddmdho .............. oohysydmmmd ...........................................................................
........................ mmmy .................. ddmmm ................................. [ based on a solid ground of PJON™ ] .......
PJON™ is a self-funded, no-profit open-source project created and mantained by Giovanni Blu Mitolo gioscarab@gmail.com https://github.com/gioblu/PJON
PJON-piper is a contribution to PJON™ by Zbigniew Zasieczny z.zasieczny@gmail.com
The purpose of PJON-piper is to provide an easy to use PJON client available for various OS platforms (Windows, Linux*).
- currently Rasbian for Raspberry PI is supproted in all branches; branches dev_0_12 and newer also support Linux x86
PJON-piper can be used to develop PJON connectivity from many programming languages by wrapping the stdin/out of the PJON-piper e.g. running as a subprocess. PJON-piper is also an abstraction layer for maintaining compatibility with PJON for multiple ports in different languages without re-implementing any new PJON features in these languages.
An example of a PJON port utilizing PJON-piper is PJON-python - a python module providing programmatic interface to PJON bus from the python programming language (https://github.com/Girgitt/PJON-python)
- There are no direct commits to the master branch which purpose is to accept PRs and be a base to create development branches or forks
- Master is neither the unstable of newest code. It should have the latest stable tag merged from the latest development branch.
- Development is done in dev_X_Y branches where:
- X defines compatibility within PJON-piper (stdin/out interface should not change for a given X number)
- Y defines compatibility with PJON version
Example: dev_0_12 is a branch with PJON v12 library and has tags rel_0_12_1_0, rel_0_12_1_1.. where the last digit indicates bugfix release. Each release tag from dev_0_12 should work with any code using PJON-piper version "0" API and PJON devices built with PJON v12 library - in this example v12.1 thus there are four release tag digits.
Please checkout the branch compatible with the PJON version being used or use tags to get the tested code.