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GIPHY Clips: GIFs with Sound

Introducing GIPHY Clips, aka GIFs with Sound.

Millions of people use GIPHY to communicate and express themselves every day. GIPHY Clips is our newest content format at the intersection of GIFs and Video.

The Clips Library is built with all of the unforgettable quotes, cultural moments, reactions and characters that we need to express how we are feeling, what we think and who we are. Everyday you’ll find new Clips from the biggest names in Entertainment, Sports, News, Pop Culture and viral moments. If your favorite quote isn’t a Clip yet, it will be soon...

Integrating the GIPHY Clips SDK will allow your users to seamlessly express themselves with this new format, all while staying in the experience in your app.


  • GIPHY SDK v2.1.2 (or above)
  • GIPHY Clips is available for integration into our community of messaging and social apps for users to search and share. Clips is not approved to be integrated into creation experience where derivative works can be created.

Setting Up ExoPlayer

The GIPHY SDK uses ExoPlayer to power video playback. As of version v2.2.0 of the GIPHY SDK, ExoPlayer must be manually added as a dependency. See below for directions prior to v2.2.

SDK v2.1.x: The SDK has `Exoplayer` video cache setup. It's enabled by default: the `videoCacheMaxBytes` value must be greater than 0, otherwise, the SDK will skip cache initialization and [Clips]( won't work.
  videoCacheMaxBytes: 100 * 1024 * 1024

Using clips in SDK v2.2.0 (or above):

We removed the ExoPlayer dependency as of version 2.2.0 because of issues resulting from versioning conflicts, and so developers not using the Clips content type in their GIPHY integration wouldn't have to adopt this dependency.

Manually add the ExoPlayer dependency to your project like so:


As of version 2.3.11, the standalone Exoplayer library migrated from the standalone library to androidx.media3:


Initialize the VideoCache to use Clips:

VideoCache.initialize(this, 100 * 1024 * 1024)
Giphy.configure(this, YOUR_API_KEY, true)

Provide a GPHAbstractVideoPlayer implementation, which is required by the GIPHY SDK to play Clips.

We prepared an example based on the media3-exoplayer:1.1.1 - this may need to be modified for different versions of ExoPlayer:

 val dialog = GiphyDialogFragment.newInstance(
    settings.copy(selectedContentType = contentType),
    videoPlayer = { playerView, repeatable, showCaptions ->
        VideoPlayerExoPlayerImpl(playerView, repeatable, showCaptions)

Showing Clips in the GiphyDialogFragment

Add the new .clips GPHContentType to your mediaTypeConfig array.

settings.mediaTypeConfig = arrayOf(GPHContentType.gif, GPHContentType.sticker, GPHContentType.clips) 

New MediaType: .video

The new video type signifies that a Media instance is a GIPHY Clip, and is intended to be played back as a video with sound.

if (media.type == {

when (mediaType) {            -> println("clip")

Using clips in SDK v2.1.x:

GPHVideoPlayer + GPHVideoPlayerView

Playing back a Clips video asset in your Android app is easy thanks to Google’s ExoPlayer, an application level media player for Android.

Giphy SDK already comes with ExoPlayer dependency and provides a wrapper around ExoPlayer to ease Clips integration:

Create GPHVideoPlayer instance.

Attach the player to GPHVideoPlayerView. There are two ways to do that:

  • using GPHVideoPlayer constructor
  • pass as param of GPHVideoPlayer.loadMedia function.

Prepare the player with a Media item to play: GPHVideoPlayer.loadMedia(media)

Release the player by calling GPHVideoPlayer.onDestroy() func when done.

Create and load a GPHVideoPlayer + GPHVideoPlayerView with a GPHMedia

val playerView = GPHVideoPlayerView(context)
val player = GPHVideoPlayer(playerView, true)

Pause, Resume, Mute, Unmute:

GPHVideoPlayer.setVolume(audioVolume: 0) 
GPHVideoPlayer.setVolume(audioVolume: 1) 

To subscribe to GPHVideoPlayer events:


It's preferable to use only one GPHVideoPlayer instance and share it between GPHVideoPlayerView(s):

val playerView = GPHVideoPlayerView(context)
val player = GPHVideoPlayer(null, true)
player.loadMedia(media, view = playerView)

To use GPHAbstractVideoPlayer + GPHVideoPlayerView in grids

Attach the player to GPHVideoPlayerView. There are two ways to do that:

  • using GPHAbstractVideoPlayer implementation constructor.
  videoPlayer = VideoPlayerExoPlayerImpl(videoPlayerView, true)
  • pass as param of GPHAbstractVideoPlayer.loadMedia function.
  player.loadMedia(media, view = viewBinding.videoPlayerView)

Prepare the player with a Media item to play: GPHAbstractVideoPlayer.loadMedia(media)

  val playerView = GPHVideoPlayerView(context)  
  val videoPlayer = VideoPlayerExoPlayerImpl(null, true)
  videoPlayer.loadMedia(media, view = viewBinding.videoPlayerView)
  val playerView = GPHVideoPlayerView(context)
  val videoPlayer = VideoPlayerExoPlayerImpl(videoPlayerView, true)

Release the player by calling GPHAbstractVideoPlayer.onDestroy()

  override fun onDestroyView() {

Pause, Resume, Mute, Unmute:

GPHAbstractVideoPlayer.setVolume(audioVolume: 0) 
GPHAbstractVideoPlayer.setVolume(audioVolume: 1) 

To subscribe to GPHAbstractVideoPlayer events:


It's preferable to use only one GPHAbstractVideoPlayer implementation instance and share it between GPHVideoPlayerView(s):

val playerView = GPHVideoPlayerView(context)
val player = VideoPlayerExoPlayerImpl(null, true)
player.loadMedia(media, view = playerView)

Sending Clips & Renditions

As with sending / storing GIFs and Stickers, it's best practice to use GIPHY IDs to represent GIPHY Clips, rather than asset urls, and use the gifByID or gifsByID endpoints to retrieve the associated Media(s).

Video urls (.mp4) may be accessed directly within the video property (with type Video) of the encompassing Media.

Rendition Limitations

Certain renditions (cases of the RenditionType enum) are not available for Clips. These include:

  • preview
  • previewGif
  • looping
  • fixedWidthSmall
  • fixedWidthSmallStill
  • fixedHeightSmall
  • fixedHeighSmallStill
  • downsizedSmall
  • downsizedStill
  • downsized

As a result, if you set the renditionType property of GPHSettings or GiphyGridView to any of these, clips previews may not play back correctly in the grid.

To account for this limitation, we created a new property specifically for clips call clipsPreviewRenditionType which is available as a property of both GPHSettings and GiphyGridView. Setting this property to one of the above RenditionType options will throw an exception.

As with renditionType the default for clipsPreviewRenditionType is the RenditionType option .fixedWidth.

Showing Clips in the GiphyGridView

Display silent Clips previews in the GiphyGridView collection view in the same way you would with GIFs and stickers.

val trending = GPHContent.trendingVideos  
val search = GPHContent.searchQuery("hello",

We strongly recommend providing your users with the option to play back the clip, including audio, before enabling them to send or share the clip asset, as is the case with the existing experience offered by the GiphyDialogFragment. This can be accomplished by presenting a GPHVideoPlayerView following user selection of a clip preview.