This web application provides users with the latest daily news from various sources around the world. The application is still in development, but currently users can access general news without any filters. If a user chooses to log in, they can select the language in which they prefer to read the news.
Thanks to a simple and intuitive interface, users can easily navigate through the available news and choose the ones that interest them. The application ensure that the news is always up-to-date and carefully selected from authoritative sources.
Overall, my web application is a great resource for anyone who wants to stay informed about the latest news from around the world. Although it is still in development, the application provides a simple and intuitive reading experience, with the ability to customize the language of the news based on user preferences and Taking into account any bugs and optimizations that can be made.
At present, the application is a minimum viable product (MVP), meaning that it provides a basic set of features to satisfy early users and gather feedback for further development.
While the application is functional and provides access to daily news from around the world, there are still some areas where it can be improved. For example, users are currently only able to access general news without any filtering options, and the application is only available in a limited number of languages. ome of the planned improvements include adding filtering options to allow users to view news in specific categories, expanding the language options, and implementing a personalized news feed based on user preferences.
Clone the project
git clone
Go to the project directory
cd portal-BEN
npm i
cd portal-BEN
npm i
cd portal-BEN
npm run dev
cd portal-FEN
npm run dev
Client: React
Server: Node, Express
Database: MongoDB
To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your .env file
Parameter | Description |
Required. The port where the server will listen |
Required. Your database name |
Required. Your database URI |
Required. Your personal key retrieved on NewsData |
Required. Your secret JWT key |