Android App written in Kotlin that uses MVP pattern.
- First user enter his name
- Then user can see a list of near places provided by Google Places API
- User can select voting for today, yesterday or tomorrow trought navigation drawer
- User can select the place and see the address and a picture (if API provided)
- User can vote to their favorite near restaurant
- User can change username on Drawer as well - User can't vote after 13 PM
- Users are notified everyday 13 PM that the voting has end
- Implemented a small backend to receive votes (using googlePlacesID, username and date)
- The minimum Android API is 10 o/
- The user must have a connection, didn't provide any persistance of places
- I used the Google Places API for currentLocation that should provide near places, but it's not retrieving restaurants everywhere.
- User will be asked to enable GPS location
- I just implemented some test cases because have no more time =(
- I didn't have good results with the images from google places, so i used a default image on listing and when there are no images on detail
- Used Kotlin language for the App and Java to implement some tests
- Unit tests were written using JUnit and Mockito libs
- UI tests were written using Espresso framwork
- Used Retrofit 2.0 to consume Votes web api
- I'm starting to study RxJava and Dagger for DI, but didn't have time to use in this project
- Could have more testing =(
- Didn't implement one time per week restaurant
- Sorry about the UI, i'm terrible designer