This collection of Python scripts were written for a final project in the course Programming for Cultural Heritage taken at Pratt Institute. The collection scrapes two websites: Yale's Photogrammar and the New Orleans Public Library WPA Photography Collection. The scraped images were used to create The New Deal in New Orleans, an Omeka site showcasing images taken during the New Deal.
Running creates a JSON file that includes metadata information as well as image URLs.
Running reads the image URLs from the JSON file created by the first script and downloads them to a local folder named FSA_Images. You will need to create this folder in your local directory before running script 2 and download.
(2) New Orleans Public Library's WPA Collection
Running WPA_COLLECTION creates a JSON file that includes metadata information as well as image URLs.
Running reads the image URLs from the JSON file created by the first script and downloads them to a local folder named WPA_COLLECTION NAME_Images. You will need to create a folder with the collection name (i.e. WPA_Lib_Images, WPA_Rec_Images) in your local directory before downloading. Please be advised that the folder name must match the file path in the second script.
Scripts are available for the following WPA collections:
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out at genevieve [dot] milliken [at] gmail [dot] com