This is discontinued and theres something new, Gelatek Reanimate! Stabler, Better, 0% MW Jitterless, Cleaner Source
Amazing reanimate created by amazing people!
This Reanimation Has:
- CFrame Reanimation
- Align Reanimation
- R15/R6 Support
- Jitterless
- R15 To R6
- Simple, Fling Bullet, Godmode Options
- Stable
- Doesn't use a lot of RAM
- Optimized
- Preloads Assets so no more getobjects lagspikes!
- Automatically gets your Clone on scripts! (no need to change character variable!)
- Built-In Bullet Setting
getgenv().Options = {
["Jitteryness"] =,0,0), -- Velocity
["Jitterless"] = true, -- Very Small Jitter, Smaller Delay
["Type"] = "Raw", -- Raw (Simple), Fling, Bullet, Godmode
["InstantBullet"] = {
["Bool"] = true, -- Enables it
["SmartLock"] = true -- Locks Bullet On Head On Hold; Disables "Bullet Follow Pointer" Thingy on hold.
}, -- Type has to be Bullet/Godmode
["R15Method"] = "Align", -- Align,AlignMax Or CFrame
["R6Method"] = "Align", -- Align,AlignMax Or CFrame
["BonusProperties"] = true, -- Net, and other stuff.
["RigAnimations"] = true, -- Enables Default Animate
["LoadLibrary"] = false, -- Loads LoadLibrary for scripts that still use it.
["Logging"] = false -- Enables logging (prints debug information in console)
- Of course! That's what is the reanimation for! No need to credit since the main script automatically prints credits.
- Scriptware (100%)
- Synapse
- Krnl
- Fluxus
- Oxygen U
- Comet
- And many more!
- R15: (50 Robux)
- R6: (Free)
- Gelatek: Almost Everything
- ProductionTakeOne: Optimizations/Special Properties/Help with Godmode
- Danix: Code Cleaning and replacing old functions.
- MyWorld: Jitterless