This project provides ATM functionalities as following :
- Sign up as customer
- Login with response session id
- Perform Credit & Debit operation with give session id
- Logout with given session id
- Create SQL table and trigger
- Run
git clone
cd ATM-loopback3-mysql-redis
npm install
nodemon .
- Nodejs - JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine
- Loopback 3.x - Highly-extensible, open-source Node. js framework that enables you to: Create dynamic end-to-end REST APIs with little or no coding. Access data from major relational databases, MongoDB, SOAP and REST APIs
- MySQL - Open-source relational database management system
- used to store Customer Data and transaction data
- redis - In-memory data structure store, used as a database, cache, and message broker
- used to for caching the session id
- Add your MySQL credentials to datasources.json file