Python PyQt wrapper for Qwt6.1
The code is tested for python3 and Qt5. All the other examples have been tested to work on Debian Linux.
The qwt include files must be patched to build PyQt-Qwt.
Nearly all the Qwt library is now wrapped. Thanks to Alfie
Please test the next_version branch. It will be released soon.
The PyQt-Qwt doesn't build against unpatched Qwt version <6.1.4. The header files need to be patched with 06_python_compat.patch but for convenience the patched files are kept in the header directory.
For Qwt version < 6.1.4 the following is needed before compiling:
$ cp -a /usr/include/qwt header
$ cp header/qwt*.h header/qwt/
Spectrocurve and tradingcurve are enabled for Qwt >= 6.1.5.
Dependencies in Debian:
There is a PyQt-Qwt package for Debian/Ubuntu systems but the instructions should work for any other Linux distro.
$ sudo apt-get install pyqt5-dev pyqt5-dev-tools python3-pyqt5 libqwt-qt5-dev libqwt-headers libqt5opengl5-dev python3-pyqt5.qtopengl python3-pyqt5.qtsvg
A proper file has been added. To use it on Debian which supports coexisting Qt libraries (4 and 5) you need to add QT_SELECT ahead of the command line.
All systems are not exactly equal. python may refer to python3 on some systems. On Debian systems the Qt5 version of Qwt is named but the default name is Remove the --qwt-lib=qwt-qt5 if the name extension is not used on your system.
$ sip-build --qwt-incdir=/usr/include/qwt --qwt-libdir=/usr/lib --qwt-lib=qwt-qt5
$ QT_SELECT=qt5 python3 --qwt-incdir=header/qwt --qwt-libdir=/usr/lib --qwt-lib=qwt-qt5
$ QT_SELECT=qt4 python3 --qwt-incdir=header/qwt --qwt-libdir=/usr/lib --pyqt=PyQt4
$ make
$ sudo make install
$ cd qt5examples
$ python3
$ for name in *.py; do python3 $name; done
Tested for MSVC2017 and python 3.9
Assuming the default installation directory, c:\qwt-6.1.5
Compile Qwt with the following parts in qwtconfig.pri commented out:
Open "Qt 5.14.2 64-bit for Desktop (MSVC2017)" command prompt
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvars64.bat"
Install Python prerequisites:
pip install numpy
pip install pyqt-builder
pip install pyqt5
pip install sip
sip-install --qwt-incdir=c:\qwt-6.1.5\include --qwt-libdir=c:\qwt-6.1.5\lib --qwt-lib=qwt --verbose
Compiled Windows binaries can be found at:
Thanks to Philippe Dalet
It took me a lot of time to find out how to debug with gdb, and there is a bug/(feature) in gcc that makes the procedure more problematic.
I am using gcc 8.1.0
$ QT_SELECT=qt5 python3-dbg --qwt-incdir=header/qwt --qwt-libdir=/usr/lib --qwt-lib=qwt-qt5 --trace --debug
Then do the following in Qwt/Makefile
Replace "-isystem" with "-I"
Remove "$(shell dpkg-buildflags --get CFLAGS) -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2". The line looks very Debianish, don't know if it exists on other systems. Will check.
Then do:
$ make; sudo make install
Then debug with
$ gdb --args python3-dbg $ run
The pyuic5 doesn't fully work with PyQt-Qwt.
After creating the python file.
pyuic5 uifile.ui -o
you need to edit the file afterwards.
from PyQt5.Qwt import *
at the top of the file.
Then remove all lines with
import qwt_
from the bottom of the file.
The following command will do this automatically
pyuic5 uifile.ui |grep -v "from qwt_" | sed 's/# WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost!/from PyQt5.Qwt import */g' >
but it needs sed and grep to be installed on your computer.
2023-02-14 Version 2.0.0~beta0
- Works with qwt <= 6.1.6 and 6.2.0
- Many more sip files added, see changelog
Known Bugs:
- YearScaleDraw() in crashes.
- The example doesn't work.