upschoolcapstoneproject upSchoolCapstone.pptx
Got it! Since the project doesn't use Jetpack Compose, here's a revised version of the README tailored to your actual project. I'll focus on traditional Android views, activities, and fragments if that's what you're using. Let me know if you need any further adjustments!
Upschool Capstone Project This repository contains the Upschool Capstone Project, an Android application developed using Kotlin with a focus on modern development practices such as MVVM architecture, Room database, and Retrofit for network requests.
Table of Contents Project Overview Features Architecture Technologies and Libraries Installation Usage Screenshots Contributing License Project Overview The Upschool Capstone Project is the final project for the Upschool program. The app provides functionality to [insert purpose of the app—e.g., manage tasks, track personal goals, etc.], utilizing a modern, maintainable code structure and several Android-specific tools and libraries.
Features User Authentication: Allows users to securely register and log in. Data Persistence: Stores data locally using the Room Database. Networking with Retrofit: Fetches data from a remote server. LiveData and ViewModel: To observe data changes and manage UI state efficiently. Error Handling: Graceful handling of API errors and failed requests. Architecture The project follows the MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) architecture pattern to separate concerns and ensure maintainability.
Model: Contains the logic and data classes for the app. View: UI components such as Activities, Fragments, and XML layouts. ViewModel: Manages UI-related data in a lifecycle-conscious way and serves as a communication center between the Model and the View. Project Structure graphql Kodu kopyala
- data/ # Room database entities, DAOs, and Repository
- ui/ # Activities and Fragments
- viewmodel/ # ViewModels for each screen
- network/ # Retrofit service for API communication
- utils/ # Utility classes for handling common tasks (e.g., error handling) Technologies and Libraries Kotlin: The primary programming language used. Room Database: For local data storage. Retrofit: For network requests. MVVM: Architecture pattern to ensure maintainability. ViewModel: Lifecycle-aware data management. LiveData: To observe and react to data changes. Coroutines: For managing background tasks in a lightweight manner. Installation Follow these steps to set up the project locally:
Clone the repository:
bash Kodu kopyala git clone Open the project in Android Studio.
Sync the project with Gradle.
Build and run the app on an emulator or physical device.