mago 3DTerrainer is an open source based quantized-mesh terrain generator developed in Java.
It is compatible with quantized-mesh, the native terrain data of Cesium Terrain Tiles.
It can easily convert GeoTIFF files, the standard format of OCG, into quantized-mesh data.
- Convenient conversion: convert GeoTIFF files without complicated commands.
- High accuracy: Generate quantized-mesh data with high accuracy.
- Multiple data conversion: Convert multiple GeoTIFF data at once.
- Customizable options: Provides various customization options such as min/max tile depth, tile raster max size, tile mosaic size, tile generation strength, interpolation method, etc.
You can download the released jar file or build the jar yourself via the mago-3d-terrainer project gradle script.
The built jar is created in the /dist
gradlew jar
java -jar mago-3d-terrainer-x.x.x-shadow.jar -help
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3d-terrainer(dev-version) by Gaia3D, Inc.
usage: mago 3DTerrainer help
-cn,--calculateNormals Add terrain octVertexNormals for lighting effect
-d,--debug Debug Mode, print more detail log
-h,--help Print this message
-i,--input <arg> Input folder path
-is,--intensity <arg> Mesh refinement strength. (default : 4.0)
-it,--interpolationType <arg> Interpolation type (nearest, bilinear) (default : bilinear)
-j,--json Generate only layer.json from terrain data
-l,--log <arg> Log file path
-lt,--leaveTemp Leave temporary files for debugging
-max,--maxDepth <arg> Maximum tile depth (range : 0 ~ 22) (default : 14)
-min,--minDepth <arg> Minimum tile depth (range : 0 ~ 22) (default : 0)
-mr,--rasterMaxSize <arg> Maximum raster size for split function. (default : 8192)
-ms,--mosaicSize <arg> Tiling mosaic buffer size per tile. (default : 16)
-o,--output <arg> Output folder path
-pt,--priorityType <arg> Priority type () (default : distance)
This is a simple Quantized-mesh conversion code with the required argument values.
java -jar mago-3d-terrainer-x.x.x.jar -input C:\data\geotiff-sample -output C:\data\geotiff-terrain-output -maxDepth 14
java -jar mago-3d-terrainer-x.x.x.x.jar -i C:\data\geotiff-sample -o C:\data\geotiff-terrain-output -max 14
The mago 3DTerrainer is also available as a docker image.
docker pull gaia3d/mago-3d-terrainer
docker run --rm -v "/workspace:/workspace" gaia3d/mago-3d-terrainer -input /workspace/geotiff-sample -output /workspace/geotiff-terrain-output -maxDepth 14
Supports long-term support (LTS) versions of the JDK, including JDK17 and JDK21.
- mago 3DTerrainer is licensed under the MPL2.0 license (
- If you do not want to release your modified code under the MPL2.0 license, you can follow a commercial license. In that case, please contact
- JOML (Java OpenGL Math Library):
- geotools (Geospatial data tools library):
- proj4j (Converting coordinate reference systems):