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Q-Learning for the Mountain Car Problem with different test cases and analyzation


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How to Run the Python Notebook

This notebook demonstrates the implementation of a Q-learning agent to solve the Mountain Car problem. Follow the steps below to get started. Also, it contains all the analysis graphics for over 20 trained agents in the folder "main/main/mountain_car/tests".


Before running the notebook, ensure you have the following:

  • Python 3
  • Jupyter Notebook

Running the Notebook

  1. Clone the Repository: Clone the repository containing the notebook to your local machine:

    git clone [URL of the repository]
    cd [repository name]
  2. Launch Jupyter Notebook: Open a terminal in the repository directory and start Jupyter Notebook:

    jupyter notebook
  3. Open the Notebook: In your browser, navigate to the notebook file (.ipynb) and open it.

  4. Install Dependencies: The notebook contains cells that automatically install required packages (numpy, ipywidgets, matplotlib). Simply run these cells to install the dependencies.

    import sys
    !{sys.executable} -m pip install numpy
    !{sys.executable} -m pip install ipywidgets matplotlib
  5. Run the Notebook: Execute the cells by selecting each cell and pressing Shift + Enter or the icon. Alternatively, run all cells at once from the menu.

Interacting with the Notebook

  • Default Agent: To run the simulation with default parameters run the following cells:

    # Usage with default values
    default_agent = MountainCarAgent()
    # Run a simple test with 100 episodes
    success_rate = default_agent.test_policy(num_episodes=100)
    print(f"Success rate with 1000 episodes: {success_rate * 100:.2f}%")
  • Custom Configuration: To run the simulation with custom parameters, adjust the config dictionary and run the cell:

    # Usage with custom values
    config = {
        'alpha': 0.1,
        'gamma': 0.99,
        'epsilon': 0.3,
        'epsilon_decay': 0.9,
        'min_epsilon': 0.01,
        'num_episodes': 5001,
        'num_states': [20,20]
    print(f"Testing configuration: {config}")
    custom_agent = MountainCarAgent(**config)
    # Uncomment this to save the q-table analysys
    success_rate = custom_agent.test_policy(num_episodes = 100)
    print(f"Success rate of the learned policy: {success_rate * 100:.2f}%")
    # Uncomment this to run and save the graphics for an analyzed test
    #analysis_data = custom_agent.test_policy_analyzed(num_episodes = 100)
    #print(f"Success Rate: {analysis_data['success_rate'] * 100:.2f}%, "
    #               f"Average Episode Length: {np.mean(analysis_data['episode_lengths']):.2f} steps, "
    #               f"Min Episode Length: {np.min(analysis_data['episode_lengths'])} steps, "
    #               f"Average Reward: {np.mean(analysis_data['episode_rewards']):.2f}, "
    #               f"Failures: {len(analysis_data['failures'])}, "
    #               f"Total Episodes: {analysis_data['episodes']}")


If you encounter issues:

  • Ensure all required packages are installed.
  • Check for error messages.
  • Restart the Jupyter Notebook kernel if necessary.

Mountain Car Problem Simulation with Q-learning

This Python class represents an agent that uses Q-learning to solve the Mountain Car problem. The agent operates in a discretized state space and learns an optimal policy over time.

Class: MountainCarAgent


__init__(self, alpha=0.1, gamma=0.99, epsilon=0.15, ...)

Initializes the agent with learning parameters.

  • Parameters:
    • alpha: Learning rate.
    • gamma: Discount factor.
    • epsilon: Exploration rate.
    • epsilon_decay: Rate at which exploration decreases.
    • min_epsilon: Minimum exploration rate.
    • num_episodes: Number of training episodes.
    • num_states: Number of discrete states in each dimension.
  • Functionality: Sets up the environment, initializes the Q-table, and prepares for training.

discretize_state(self, state)

Converts a continuous state into a discretized form.

  • Parameters:
    • state: The continuous state to discretize.
  • Functionality: Discretizes each dimension of the state into a predefined grid.

epsilon_greedy_policy(self, state)

Chooses an action based on the epsilon-greedy policy.

  • Parameters:
    • state: The current state of the agent.
  • Functionality: Balances exploration and exploitation based on epsilon.

create_directory(self, dir_path)

Creates a directory if it doesn't exist.

  • Parameters:
    • dir_path: Path of the directory to create.
  • Functionality: Ensures the existence of the specified directory.

save_Q_table(self, filename, folder="mountain_car/q_tables")

Saves the current Q-table to a file.

  • Parameters:
    • filename: Name of the file.
    • folder: Directory to save the file.
  • Functionality: Saves the Q-table for later use or analysis.

load_Q_table(self, filename, folder="mountain_car/q_tables")

Loads a Q-table from a file.

  • Parameters:
    • filename: Name of the file.
    • folder: Directory of the file.
  • Functionality: Loads a pre-trained Q-table.


Trains the agent using Q-learning.

  • Functionality: Updates the Q-table based on interactions with the environment.

plot_and_save_Q_table_analysis(self, test_id=0, ...)

Generates and saves plots analyzing the Q-table.

  • Parameters:
    • test_id: Identifier for the test.
    • folder: Directory to save the plots.
  • Functionality: Creates various plots for analyzing the learning process.

test_policy(self, num_episodes=1000, max_steps=1000)

Tests the trained policy over a number of episodes.

  • Parameters:
    • num_episodes: Number of test episodes.
    • max_steps: Maximum steps per episode.
  • Functionality: Evaluates the performance of the trained policy.

test_policy_analyzed(self, num_episodes=10000, max_steps=1000)

Tests the policy and gathers detailed analysis data.

  • Functionality: Collects comprehensive data for further analysis.

plot_analysis_data(self, analysis_data, test_id=0, ...)

Generates and saves plots based on the analysis data.

  • Parameters:
    • analysis_data: Data collected during testing.
    • test_id: Identifier for the test.
    • folder: Directory to save the plots.
  • Functionality: Visualizes the performance and behavior of the agent.

test_policy_with_visualization(self, num_episodes=5)

Visualizes the agent's policy for a specified number of episodes.

  • Parameters:
    • num_episodes: Number of episodes to visualize.
  • Functionality: Shows the agent's decisions in the environment visually.

custom_render(self, step, action_taken)

Custom function to visualize the state of the environment.

  • Parameters:
    • step: Current step number.
    • action_taken: The action taken by the agent.
  • Functionality: Creates a visual representation of the current state and action.


This class provides a complete framework for an agent to learn and solve the Mountain Car problem using Q-learning. It includes functionalities for discretizing the state space, implementing epsilon-greedy policy for action selection, training the agent, and analyzing and visualizing its performance.


Q-Learning for the Mountain Car Problem with different test cases and analyzation







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