This repo contains the examples for my Haskell book:
In the future, if you see a file named in any subdirectory, then please don't expect (yet) that this example is in the book. Currently everything in this repo is in the second edition of my book.
Updated 12/23/2020 for stack resolver: lts-16.26
Updated 8/6/2019 for the second edition of my book
See Appendix A in my book, or simply install stack and hlint.
Note: 6/18/2020: install directions in Appendix A to optionally install cabal-install (with latest GHC 8.8.3) produces an error running:
stack install cabal-install
Installing cabal-install is optional. Installing stack using the directions in Appendix A which refers you to th official documentation at []( is sufficient for running the exampes in my book.